local cfg="$1"
local vifs vif vifstr
+ [ -f "/var/run/wifi-${cfg}.pid" ] &&
+ kill "$(cat "/var/run/wifi-${cfg}.pid")"
uci_revert_state wireless "$cfg"
config_get vifs "$cfg" vifs
for vif in $vifs; do
local device="$1"
set_wifi_down "$device"
- # kill all running hostapd and wpa_supplicant processes that
- # are running on atheros vifs
- for pid in `pidof hostapd wpa_supplicant`; do
- grep ath /proc/$pid/cmdline >/dev/null && \
- kill $pid
- done
include /lib/network
cd /proc/sys/net
for dev in *; do
grep "$device" "$dev/%parent" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && {
- ifconfig "$dev" down
+ [ -f "/var/run/wifi-${dev}.pid" ] &&
+ kill "$(cat "/var/run/wifi-${dev}.pid")"
+ ifconfig "$dev" down
unbridge "$dev"
wlanconfig "$dev" destroy