+* started The DHCPv6 client has been started
* bound A suitable server was found and addresses or prefixes acquired
* informed A stateless information request returned updated information
* timeout The DHCPv6 operation did not succeed within the defined time
* updated Updated information was received from the DHCPv6 server
* rebound The DHCPv6 client switched to another server
* unbound The DHCPv6 client lost all DHCPv6 servers and will restart
+* stopped The DHCPv6 client has been stopped
* RDNSS A space-separated list of recursive DNS servers
* DOMAINS A space-separated list of DNS search domains
+* SNTP_IP A space-separated list of SNTP server IP addresses
+* SNTP_FQDN A space-separated list of SNTP server FQDNs
* OPTION_<num> Custom option received as base-16
* PREFIXES A space-separated list of prefixes currently assigned
Format: <prefix>/<length>,preferred,valid