If there's a TFTP root directory configured, create it with mkdir -p
(which does not throw an error if the folder exists already)
before starting dnsmasq. This is useful for TFTP roots in /tmp, for example.
Originally submitted by nfw user aka Nathaniel Wesley Filardo
Signed-off-by: Alberto Bursi <alberto.bursi@outlook.it>
append_bool "$cfg" boguspriv "--bogus-priv"
append_bool "$cfg" expandhosts "--expand-hosts"
config_get tftp_root "$cfg" "tftp_root"
- [ -d "$tftp_root" ] && append_bool "$cfg" enable_tftp "--enable-tftp"
+ [ -n "$tftp_root" ] && mkdir -p "$tftp_root" && append_bool "$cfg" enable_tftp "--enable-tftp"
append_bool "$cfg" tftp_no_fail "--tftp-no-fail"
append_bool "$cfg" nonwildcard "--bind-dynamic"
append_bool "$cfg" fqdn "--dhcp-fqdn"