Instead of generating a RSA key pair generate an elliptic curve key pair
by default. Elliptic curve signatures are much faster than RSA
signatures with mbedtls on MIPS BE hardware.
I measured these numbers with mbedtls 2.9.0 on a Lantiq xrx200 SoC with
a 500 MHz MIPS BE CPU:
* RSA-2048 : 143.700000 public/s
* RSA-2048 : 1.300000 private/s
* ECDSA-secp384r1 : 7.600000 verify/s
* ECDSA-secp384r1 : 27.900000 sign/s
* ECDSA-secp256r1 : 12.300000 verify/s
* ECDSA-secp256r1 : 41.000000 sign/s
* ECDSA-secp256k1 : 11.400000 verify/s
* ECDSA-secp256k1 : 39.000000 sign/s
The TLS server needs one signature or public key operation per
ECDSA keys are support by all modern browsers starting with:
* Internet Explorer 7
* Firefox 2
* Opera 8 (with TLS 1.1 enabled)
* Google Chrome v5.0.342.0
* Safari 2.1
* Mobile Safari for iOS 4.0
* Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) and later
* Windows Phone 7
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <>
local cfg="$1"
local key="$2"
local crt="$3"
- local days bits country state location commonname
+ local days bits country state location commonname type curve
config_get days "$cfg" days
config_get bits "$cfg" bits
config_get state "$cfg" state
config_get location "$cfg" location
config_get commonname "$cfg" commonname
+ config_get type "$cfg" type
+ config_get curve "$cfg" curve
# Prefer px5g for certificate generation (existence evaluated last)
local GENKEY_CMD=""
[ -x "$OPENSSL_BIN" ] && GENKEY_CMD="$OPENSSL_BIN req -x509 -sha256 -outform der -nodes"
[ -x "$PX5G_BIN" ] && GENKEY_CMD="$PX5G_BIN selfsigned -der"
[ -n "$GENKEY_CMD" ] && {
+ case "$type" in
+ rsa)
+ GENKEY_CMD=$GENKEY_CMD"-newkey rsa:${bits:-2048} "
+ ;;
+ ecdsa|*)
+ GENKEY_CMD=$GENKEY_CMD"-newkey ec:${curve:-secp256r1} "
+ ;;
+ esac
- -days ${days:-730} -newkey rsa:${bits:-2048} -keyout "${UHTTPD_KEY}.new" -out "${UHTTPD_CERT}.new" \
+ -days ${days:-730} -keyout "${UHTTPD_KEY}.new" -out "${UHTTPD_CERT}.new" \
-subj /C="${country:-ZZ}"/ST="${state:-Somewhere}"/L="${location:-Unknown}"/O="${commonname:-OpenWrt}$UNIQUEID"/CN="${commonname:-OpenWrt}"
mv "${UHTTPD_KEY}.new" "${UHTTPD_KEY}"