* rio_init_em - Initializes RIO Error Management (for switches)
- * @port: Master port associated with the RIO network
+ * @rdev: RIO device
* For each enumerated switch, call device-specific error management
* initialization routine (if supplied by the switch driver).
* rio_request_inb_pwrite - request inbound port-write message service
- * @mport: RIO device to which register inbound port-write callback routine
+ * @rdev: RIO device to which register inbound port-write callback routine
* @pwcback: Callback routine to execute when port-write is received
* Binds a port-write callback function to the RapidIO device.
* rio_mport_get_physefb - Helper function that returns register offset
* for Physical Layer Extended Features Block.
- * @rdev: RIO device
+ * @port: Master port to issue transaction
+ * @local: Indicate a local master port or remote device access
+ * @destid: Destination ID of the device
+ * @hopcount: Number of switch hops to the device
rio_mport_get_physefb(struct rio_mport *port, int local,
* rio_get_comptag - Begin or continue searching for a RIO device by component tag
- * @comp_tag: RIO component tad to match
+ * @comp_tag: RIO component tag to match
* @from: Previous RIO device found in search, or %NULL for new search
* Iterates through the list of known RIO devices. If a RIO device is
* rio_std_route_clr_table - Clear swotch route table using standard registers
* defined in RIO specification rev.1.3.
* @mport: Master port to issue transaction
- * @local: Indicate a local master port or remote device access
* @destid: Destination ID of the device
* @hopcount: Number of switch hops to the device
* @table: routing table ID (global or port-specific)
* @swpinfo: Switch port info
* @src_ops: Source operation capabilities
* @dst_ops: Destination operation capabilities
+ * @comp_tag: RIO component tag
+ * @phys_efptr: RIO device extended features pointer
+ * @em_efptr: RIO Error Management features pointer
* @dma_mask: Mask of bits of RIO address this device implements
* @rswitch: Pointer to &struct rio_switch if valid for this device
* @driver: Driver claiming this device
* @dev: Device model device
* @riores: RIO resources this device owns
+ * @pwcback: port-write callback function for this device
* @destid: Network destination ID
struct rio_dev {
* @add_entry: Callback for switch-specific route add function
* @get_entry: Callback for switch-specific route get function
* @clr_table: Callback for switch-specific clear route table function
+ * @set_domain: Callback for switch-specific domain setting function
+ * @get_domain: Callback for switch-specific domain get function
* @em_init: Callback for switch-specific error management initialization function
* @em_handle: Callback for switch-specific error management handler function