The length of DUID-LL is 80 bits (16 bit DUID type, 16 bit hardware type, 48 bit mac)
which corresponds to 20 nibbles. Also lower the minimum required length of DUID to
20 nibbles in order to allow entering a DUID-LL.
Signed-off-by: Arjen de Korte <>
time.rmempty = true
duid = s:option(Value, "duid", translate("<abbr title=\"The DHCP Unique Identifier\">DUID</abbr>"))
-duid.datatype = "and(rangelength(28,36),hexstring)"
+duid.datatype = "and(rangelength(20,36),hexstring)"
fp ="/var/hosts/odhcpd")
if fp then
for line in fp:lines() do
return duid.substr(16).replace(/(..)(?=..)/g, '$1:').toUpperCase();
// DUID-LL / Ethernet
- if (duid.length === 24 && duid.substr(0, 8) === '00030001')
+ if (duid.length === 20 && duid.substr(0, 8) === '00030001')
return duid.substr(8).replace(/(..)(?=..)/g, '$1:').toUpperCase();
return null;
return duid.substr(16).replace(/(..)(?=..)/g, '$1:').toUpperCase();
// DUID-LL / Ethernet
- if (duid.length === 24 && duid.substr(0, 8) === '00030001')
+ if (duid.length === 20 && duid.substr(0, 8) === '00030001')
return duid.substr(8).replace(/(..)(?=..)/g, '$1:').toUpperCase();
return null;