self.find_bar = None
self.view = QTreeView()
+ self.view.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ContiguousSelection)
+ self.view.CopyCellsToClipboard = CopyTreeCellsToClipboard
def DisplayFound(self, ids):
if not len(ids):
self.view = QTreeView()
+ self.view.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ContiguousSelection)
+ self.view.CopyCellsToClipboard = CopyTreeCellsToClipboard
+# Convert value to CSV
+def ToCSValue(val):
+ if '"' in val:
+ val = val.replace('"', '""')
+ if "," in val or '"' in val:
+ val = '"' + val + '"'
+ return val
+# Key to sort table model indexes by row / column, assuming fewer than 1000 columns
+glb_max_cols = 1000
+def RowColumnKey(a):
+ return a.row() * glb_max_cols + a.column()
+# Copy selected table cells to clipboard
+def CopyTableCellsToClipboard(view, as_csv=False, with_hdr=False):
+ indexes = sorted(view.selectedIndexes(), key=RowColumnKey)
+ idx_cnt = len(indexes)
+ if not idx_cnt:
+ return
+ if idx_cnt == 1:
+ with_hdr=False
+ min_row = indexes[0].row()
+ max_row = indexes[0].row()
+ min_col = indexes[0].column()
+ max_col = indexes[0].column()
+ for i in indexes:
+ min_row = min(min_row, i.row())
+ max_row = max(max_row, i.row())
+ min_col = min(min_col, i.column())
+ max_col = max(max_col, i.column())
+ if max_col > glb_max_cols:
+ raise RuntimeError("glb_max_cols is too low")
+ max_width = [0] * (1 + max_col - min_col)
+ for i in indexes:
+ c = i.column() - min_col
+ max_width[c] = max(max_width[c], len(str(
+ text = ""
+ pad = ""
+ sep = ""
+ if with_hdr:
+ model = indexes[0].model()
+ for col in range(min_col, max_col + 1):
+ val = model.headerData(col, Qt.Horizontal)
+ if as_csv:
+ text += sep + ToCSValue(val)
+ sep = ","
+ else:
+ c = col - min_col
+ max_width[c] = max(max_width[c], len(val))
+ width = max_width[c]
+ align = model.headerData(col, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.TextAlignmentRole)
+ if align & Qt.AlignRight:
+ val = val.rjust(width)
+ text += pad + sep + val
+ pad = " " * (width - len(val))
+ sep = " "
+ text += "\n"
+ pad = ""
+ sep = ""
+ last_row = min_row
+ for i in indexes:
+ if i.row() > last_row:
+ last_row = i.row()
+ text += "\n"
+ pad = ""
+ sep = ""
+ if as_csv:
+ text += sep + ToCSValue(str(
+ sep = ","
+ else:
+ width = max_width[i.column() - min_col]
+ if & Qt.AlignRight:
+ val = str(
+ else:
+ val = str(
+ text += pad + sep + val
+ pad = " " * (width - len(val))
+ sep = " "
+ QApplication.clipboard().setText(text)
+def CopyTreeCellsToClipboard(view, as_csv=False, with_hdr=False):
+ indexes = view.selectedIndexes()
+ if not len(indexes):
+ return
+ selection = view.selectionModel()
+ first = None
+ for i in indexes:
+ above = view.indexAbove(i)
+ if not selection.isSelected(above):
+ first = i
+ break
+ if first is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("CopyTreeCellsToClipboard internal error")
+ model = first.model()
+ row_cnt = 0
+ col_cnt = model.columnCount(first)
+ max_width = [0] * col_cnt
+ indent_sz = 2
+ indent_str = " " * indent_sz
+ expanded_mark_sz = 2
+ if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+ expanded_mark = "\u25BC "
+ not_expanded_mark = "\u25B6 "
+ else:
+ expanded_mark = unicode(chr(0xE2) + chr(0x96) + chr(0xBC) + " ", "utf-8")
+ not_expanded_mark = unicode(chr(0xE2) + chr(0x96) + chr(0xB6) + " ", "utf-8")
+ leaf_mark = " "
+ if not as_csv:
+ pos = first
+ while True:
+ row_cnt += 1
+ row = pos.row()
+ for c in range(col_cnt):
+ i = pos.sibling(row, c)
+ if c:
+ n = len(str(
+ else:
+ n = len(str(
+ n += (i.internalPointer().level - 1) * indent_sz
+ n += expanded_mark_sz
+ max_width[c] = max(max_width[c], n)
+ pos = view.indexBelow(pos)
+ if not selection.isSelected(pos):
+ break
+ text = ""
+ pad = ""
+ sep = ""
+ if with_hdr:
+ for c in range(col_cnt):
+ val = model.headerData(c, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole).strip()
+ if as_csv:
+ text += sep + ToCSValue(val)
+ sep = ","
+ else:
+ max_width[c] = max(max_width[c], len(val))
+ width = max_width[c]
+ align = model.headerData(c, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.TextAlignmentRole)
+ if align & Qt.AlignRight:
+ val = val.rjust(width)
+ text += pad + sep + val
+ pad = " " * (width - len(val))
+ sep = " "
+ text += "\n"
+ pad = ""
+ sep = ""
+ pos = first
+ while True:
+ row = pos.row()
+ for c in range(col_cnt):
+ i = pos.sibling(row, c)
+ val = str(
+ if not c:
+ if model.hasChildren(i):
+ if view.isExpanded(i):
+ mark = expanded_mark
+ else:
+ mark = not_expanded_mark
+ else:
+ mark = leaf_mark
+ val = indent_str * (i.internalPointer().level - 1) + mark + val.strip()
+ if as_csv:
+ text += sep + ToCSValue(val)
+ sep = ","
+ else:
+ width = max_width[c]
+ if c and & Qt.AlignRight:
+ val = val.rjust(width)
+ text += pad + sep + val
+ pad = " " * (width - len(val))
+ sep = " "
+ pos = view.indexBelow(pos)
+ if not selection.isSelected(pos):
+ break
+ text = text.rstrip() + "\n"
+ pad = ""
+ sep = ""
+ QApplication.clipboard().setText(text)
+def CopyCellsToClipboard(view, as_csv=False, with_hdr=False):
+ view.CopyCellsToClipboard(view, as_csv, with_hdr)
+def CopyCellsToClipboardHdr(view):
+ CopyCellsToClipboard(view, False, True)
+def CopyCellsToClipboardCSV(view):
+ CopyCellsToClipboard(view, True, True)
# Table window
class TableWindow(QMdiSubWindow, ResizeColumnsToContentsBase):
self.view.sortByColumn(-1, Qt.AscendingOrder)
+ self.view.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ContiguousSelection)
+ self.view.CopyCellsToClipboard = CopyTableCellsToClipboard
+ self.view.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ContiguousSelection)
+ self.view.CopyCellsToClipboard = CopyTableCellsToClipboard
file_menu.addAction(CreateExitAction(, self))
edit_menu = menu.addMenu("&Edit")
+ edit_menu.addAction(CreateAction("&Copy", "Copy to clipboard", self.CopyToClipboard, self, QKeySequence.Copy))
+ edit_menu.addAction(CreateAction("Copy as CS&V", "Copy to clipboard as CSV", self.CopyToClipboardCSV, self))
edit_menu.addAction(CreateAction("&Find...", "Find items", self.Find, self, QKeySequence.Find))
edit_menu.addAction(CreateAction("Fetch &more records...", "Fetch more records", self.FetchMoreRecords, self, [QKeySequence(Qt.Key_F8)]))
edit_menu.addAction(CreateAction("&Shrink Font", "Make text smaller", self.ShrinkFont, self, [QKeySequence("Ctrl+-")]))
+ def CopyToClipboard(self):
+ self.Try(CopyCellsToClipboardHdr)
+ def CopyToClipboardCSV(self):
+ self.Try(CopyCellsToClipboardCSV)
def Find(self):
win = self.mdi_area.activeSubWindow()
if win: