dnsmasq_kill() { killall -q -s KILL dnsmasq; }
dnsmasq_restart() { /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart >/dev/null 2>&1; }
is_enabled() { uci -q get "${1}.config.enabled"; }
+is_integer() {
+ case "$1" in
+ (*[!0123456789]*) return 1;;
+ ('') return 1;;
+ (*) return 0;;
+ esac
is_greater() { test "$(printf '%s\n' "$@" | sort -V | head -n 1)" != "$1"; }
is_greater_or_equal() { test "$(printf '%s\n' "$@" | sort -V | head -n 1)" = "$2"; }
# shellcheck disable=SC3057
if type extra_command 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
extra_command 'allow' 'Allows domain in current block-list and config'
extra_command 'check' 'Checks if specified domain is found in current block-list'
+ extra_command 'check_lists' 'Checks if specified domain is found in enabled block-lists'
extra_command 'dl' 'Force-downloads all enabled block-list'
extra_command 'killcache' 'Delete all cached files'
extra_command 'pause' 'Pauses AdBlocking for specified number of seconds (default: 60)'
append_url() {
local cfg="$1" var="$2"
local en action url
- config_get en "$cfg" enabled '1'
+ config_get_bool en "$cfg" enabled '1'
config_get action "$cfg" action 'block'
config_get url "$cfg" url
if [ "$en" = '1' ]; then
_config_calculate_sizes() {
local cfg="$1"
local en size url
- config_get en "$cfg" enabled '1'
+ config_get_bool en "$cfg" enabled '1'
config_get size "$cfg" size
config_get url "$cfg" url
[ "$en" = '0' ] && return 0
+adb_check_lists() {
+ _check_list() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ local en size url R_TMP string c
+ config_get_bool en "$cfg" enabled '1'
+ config_get action "$cfg" action 'block'
+ config_get url "$cfg" url
+ [ "$en" = '0' ] && return 0
+ [ "$action" != 'block' ] && return 0
+ if is_https_url "$url" && [ -z "$isSSLSupported" ]; then
+ output "[DL] $url $__FAIL__\\n"
+ fi
+ while [ -z "$R_TMP" ] || [ -e "$R_TMP" ]; do
+ R_TMP="$(mktemp -u -q -t ${packageName}_tmp.XXXXXXXX)"
+ done
+ if [ -z "$url" ] || ! $dl_command "$url" "$dl_flag" "$R_TMP" 2>/dev/null || \
+ [ ! -s "$R_TMP" ]; then
+ output "[DL] $url $__FAIL__\\n"
+ else
+ append_newline "$R_TMP"
+ for string in ${param}; do
+ c="$(grep -c "$string" "$R_TMP")"
+ if [ "$c" -gt 0 ]; then
+ if [ "$c" -eq 1 ]; then
+ output "Found 1 match for '$string' in '$url'.\\n"
+ else
+ output "Found $c matches for '$string' in '$url'.\\n"
+ fi
+ grep "$string" "$R_TMP"
+ else
+ output "The '$string' is not found in '$url'.\\n"
+ fi
+ done
+ rm -f "$R_TMP"
+ fi
+ }
+ local param="$1"
+ local validation_result="$3"
+ load_environment "$validation_result" 'quiet' || return 1
+ if [ -z "$param" ]; then
+ output "Usage: /etc/init.d/${packageName} check_lists 'domain' ...\\n"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ config_load "$packageName"
+ config_foreach _check_list 'file_url'
+ return 0
adb_config_update() {
local R_TMP label
local param validation_result="$3"
local validation_result="$3"
adb_stop 'on_pause' '' "$validation_result"
output "Sleeping for $timeout seconds... "
- if sleep "$timeout"; then
+ if is_number "$timeout" && sleep "$timeout"; then
allow() { load_validate_config 'config' adb_allow "'$*'"; }
boot() {
+ local procd_boot_delay
ubus -t 30 wait_for network.interface 2>/dev/null
- rc_procd start_service 'on_boot'
+ config_load "$packageName"
+ config_get procd_boot_delay 'config' 'procd_boot_delay' '0'
+# shellcheck disable=SC2154
+ { is_integer "$procd_boot_delay" && sleep "$procd_boot_delay" || true; } && \
+ rc_procd start_service 'on_boot' && service_started 'on_boot' &
check() { load_validate_config 'config' adb_check "'$*'"; }
+check_lists() { load_validate_config 'config' adb_check_lists "'$*'"; }
dl() { rc_procd start_service 'download'; }
killcache() {
local compressed_cache_dir