* 'asym-pause' (boolean, optional), to indicate that asym_pause should
be enabled.
+Old, deprecated 'fixed-link' binding:
+* A 'fixed-link' property in the Ethernet MAC node, with 5 cells, of the
+ form <a b c d e> with the following accepted values:
+ - a: emulated PHY ID, choose any but but unique to the all specified
+ fixed-links, from 0 to 31
+ - b: duplex configuration: 0 for half duplex, 1 for full duplex
+ - c: link speed in Mbits/sec, accepted values are: 10, 100 and 1000
+ - d: pause configuration: 0 for no pause, 1 for pause
+ - e: asymmetric pause configuration: 0 for no asymmetric pause, 1 for
+ asymmetric pause
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