--- /dev/null
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/prince
+ SECTION :=net
+ CATEGORY :=Network
+ SUBMENU :=Routing and Redirection
+ Mantainer :=Gabriele Gemmi <gabriel@autistici.org>
+ TITLE :=PopRouting daemon
+ MENU :=0
+ DEPENDS := +libjson-c +libpthread
+define Package/poprouting/description
+Prince is an open source implementation of the PopRouting Algorithm.
+It has been developed as a Google Summer of Code Project in collaboration with Freifunk and the University of Trento.
+It fetches topology data from a Link State routing deamon(OONF, OLSR, OSPF, etc),
+uses the betweenness centrality to optimize the timer's value and pushes back the optimized timer.
+Currently it only supports OLSRd2 (aka OONF).
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,poprouting))