if ini.has_option("gpg", "passfile"):
gpg_passfile = ini.get("gpg", "passfile")
+enable_kmod_archive = True
# find targets
targets = [ ]
def IsNoMasterBuild(step):
return repo_branch != "master"
+def IsCleanupConfigured(step):
+ slave = step.getProperty("slavename")
+ if slave and slave in do_cleanup:
+ return do_cleanup[slave] > 0
+ else:
+ return False
def GetBaseVersion(props):
if re.match("^[^-]+-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$", repo_branch):
return repo_branch.split('-')[1]
haltOnFailure = True
+ # find kernel version
+ factory.addStep(SetProperty(
+ name = "kernelversion",
+ property = "kernelversion",
+ description = "Finding the effective Kernel version",
+ command = "make --no-print-directory -C target/linux/ val.LINUX_VERSION val.LINUX_RELEASE val.LINUX_VERMAGIC | xargs printf '%s-%s-%s'",
+ env = { 'TOPDIR': WithProperties("%(cwd)s/build", cwd=GetCwd) }
+ ))
name = "pkgclean",
description = "Cleaning up package build",
haltOnFailure = True
+ if enable_kmod_archive:
+ factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+ name = "kmoddir",
+ description = "Creating kmod directory",
+ command=["mkdir", "-p", WithProperties("bin/targets/%s/%s%%(libc)s/kmods/%%(kernelversion)s" %(ts[0], ts[1]))],
+ haltOnFailure = True
+ ))
+ factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+ name = "kmodprepare",
+ description = "Preparing kmod archive",
+ command=["rsync", "--include=/kmod-*.ipk", "--exclude=*", "-va",
+ WithProperties("bin/targets/%s/%s%%(libc)s/packages/" %(ts[0], ts[1])),
+ WithProperties("bin/targets/%s/%s%%(libc)s/kmods/%%(kernelversion)s/" %(ts[0], ts[1]))],
+ haltOnFailure = True
+ ))
+ factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+ name = "kmodindex",
+ description = "Indexing kmod archive",
+ command=["make", WithProperties("-j%(jobs)d", jobs=GetNumJobs), "package/index", "V=s",
+ WithProperties("PACKAGE_SUBDIRS=bin/targets/%s/%s%%(libc)s/kmods/%%(kernelversion)s/" %(ts[0], ts[1]))],
+ env = MakeEnv(),
+ haltOnFailure = True
+ ))
+ # find rootfs staging directory
+ factory.addStep(SetProperty(
+ name = "stageroot",
+ property = "stageroot",
+ description = "Finding the rootfs staging directory",
+ command=["make", "--no-print-directory", "val.STAGING_DIR_ROOT"],
+ env = { 'TOPDIR': WithProperties("%(cwd)s/build", cwd=GetCwd) }
+ ))
+ factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+ name = "filesdir",
+ description = "Creating file overlay directory",
+ command=["mkdir", "-p", "files/etc/opkg"],
+ haltOnFailure = True
+ ))
+ factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+ name = "kmodconfig",
+ description = "Embedding kmod repository configuration",
+ command=WithProperties("sed -e 's#^\\(src/gz .*\\)_core \\(.*\\)/packages$#&\\n\\1_kmods \\2/kmods/%(kernelversion)s#' " +
+ "%(stageroot)s/etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf > files/etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf"),
+ haltOnFailure = True
+ ))
name = "images",
name = "signpack",
description = "Packing files to sign",
- command = WithProperties("find bin/targets/%s/%s%%(libc)s/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name sha256sums -print0 -or -name Packages -print0 | xargs -0 tar -czf sign.tar.gz" %(ts[0], ts[1])),
+ command = WithProperties("find bin/targets/%s/%s%%(libc)s/ bin/targets/%s/%s%%(libc)s/kmods/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name sha256sums -print0 -or -name Packages -print0 | xargs -0 tar -czf sign.tar.gz" %(ts[0], ts[1], ts[0], ts[1])),
haltOnFailure = True
haltOnFailure = True
+ if enable_kmod_archive:
+ factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+ name = "kmoddirprepare",
+ description = "Preparing kmod archive upload directory",
+ command = ["mkdir", "-p", WithProperties("tmp/upload/%%(prefix)stargets/%s/%s/kmods/%%(kernelversion)s" %(ts[0], ts[1]), prefix=GetVersionPrefix)],
+ haltOnFailure = True
+ ))
name = "dirupload",
description = "Uploading directory structure",
name = "targetupload",
description = "Uploading target files",
- command=["rsync", "-4", "--progress", "--delete", "--checksum", "--delay-updates", "--partial-dir=.~tmp~%s~%s" %(ts[0], ts[1]),
+ command=["rsync", "-4", "--exclude=/kmods/", "--progress", "--delete", "--checksum", "--delay-updates", "--partial-dir=.~tmp~%s~%s" %(ts[0], ts[1]),
"-avz", WithProperties("bin/targets/%s/%s%%(libc)s/" %(ts[0], ts[1])),
WithProperties("%s/%%(prefix)stargets/%s/%s/" %(rsync_bin_url, ts[0], ts[1]), prefix=GetVersionPrefix)],
env={'RSYNC_PASSWORD': rsync_bin_key},
logEnviron = False
+ if enable_kmod_archive:
+ factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+ name = "kmodupload",
+ description = "Uploading kmod archive",
+ command=["rsync", "-4", "--progress", "--delete", "--checksum", "--delay-updates", "--partial-dir=.~tmp~%s~%s" %(ts[0], ts[1]),
+ "-avz", WithProperties("bin/targets/%s/%s%%(libc)s/kmods/%%(kernelversion)s/" %(ts[0], ts[1])),
+ WithProperties("%s/%%(prefix)stargets/%s/%s/kmods/%%(kernelversion)s/" %(rsync_bin_url, ts[0], ts[1]), prefix=GetVersionPrefix)],
+ env={'RSYNC_PASSWORD': rsync_bin_key},
+ haltOnFailure = True,
+ logEnviron = False
+ ))
if rsync_src_url is not None:
name = "sourceupload",
logEnviron = False
+ factory.addStep(ShellCommand(
+ name = "df",
+ description = "Reporting disk usage",
+ command=["df", "-h", "."],
+ env={'LC_ALL': 'C'},
+ haltOnFailure = False,
+ alwaysRun = True
+ ))
from buildbot.config import BuilderConfig
c['builders'].append(BuilderConfig(name=target, slavenames=slaveNames, factory=factory, nextBuild=GetNextBuild))