+ .macro bug, msg, line
+1: .inst 0xde02
+1: .inst 0xe7f001f2
+ .pushsection .rodata.str, "aMS", %progbits, 1
+2: .asciz "\msg"
+ .popsection
+ .pushsection __bug_table, "aw"
+ .align 2
+ .word 1b, 2b
+ .hword \line
+ .popsection
+ .endm
#endif /* __ASM_ASSEMBLER_H__ */
mov r2, sp
ldr r1, [r2, #\offset + S_PSR] @ get calling cpsr
ldr lr, [r2, #\offset + S_PC]! @ get pc
+ tst r1, #0xcf
+ bne 1f
msr spsr_cxsf, r1 @ save in spsr_svc
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V6) || defined(CONFIG_CPU_32v6K)
@ We must avoid clrex due to Cortex-A15 erratum #830321
@ after ldm {}^
add sp, sp, #\offset + PT_REGS_SIZE
movs pc, lr @ return & move spsr_svc into cpsr
+1: bug "Returning to usermode but unexpected PSR bits set?", \@
#elif defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)
@ V7M restore.
@ Note that we don't need to do clrex here as clearing the local
ldr r1, [sp, #\offset + S_PSR] @ get calling cpsr
ldr lr, [sp, #\offset + S_PC] @ get pc
add sp, sp, #\offset + S_SP
+ tst r1, #0xcf
+ bne 1f
msr spsr_cxsf, r1 @ save in spsr_svc
@ We must avoid clrex due to Cortex-A15 erratum #830321
add sp, sp, #PT_REGS_SIZE - S_SP
movs pc, lr @ return & move spsr_svc into cpsr
+1: bug "Returning to usermode but unexpected PSR bits set?", \@
#endif /* !CONFIG_THUMB2_KERNEL */