if [ "$(echo "$PR_INFO" | jq -r ".maintainer_can_modify")" == "false" ]; then
- echo "PR #$PRID can't be force pushed by maintainers. Can't merge this PR!" >&2
- exit 4
+ echo "PR #$PRID can't be force pushed by maintainers. Trying to merge as is!" >&2
if [ "$(echo "$PR_INFO" | jq -r ".mergeable")" == "false" ]; then
echo "Fetching remote $PR_USER"
$GIT fetch $PR_USER
-echo "Creating branch $LOCAL_PR_BRANCH for $PR_BRANCH"
-if ! $GIT checkout -b $LOCAL_PR_BRANCH $PR_USER/$PR_BRANCH; then
- echo "Failed to checkout new branch $PR_BRANCH from $PR_USER/$PR_BRANCH" >&2
- exit 8
+if [ "$(echo "$PR_INFO" | jq -r ".maintainer_can_modify")" == "true" ]; then
+ echo "Creating branch $LOCAL_PR_BRANCH for $PR_BRANCH"
+ if ! $GIT checkout -b $LOCAL_PR_BRANCH $PR_USER/$PR_BRANCH; then
+ echo "Failed to checkout new branch $PR_BRANCH from $PR_USER/$PR_BRANCH" >&2
+ exit 8
+ fi
-echo "Rebasing $LOCAL_PR_BRANCH on top of $BRANCH"
-if ! $GIT rebase origin/$BRANCH; then
- echo "Failed to rebase $PR_BRANCH with origin/$BRANCH" >&2
- exit 9
+ echo "Rebasing $LOCAL_PR_BRANCH on top of $BRANCH"
+ if ! $GIT rebase origin/$BRANCH; then
+ echo "Failed to rebase $PR_BRANCH with origin/$BRANCH" >&2
+ exit 9
+ fi
-echo "Force pushing $LOCAL_PR_BRANCH to HEAD:$PR_BRANCH for $PR_USER"
-if ! $GIT push $PR_USER HEAD:$PR_BRANCH --force; then
- echo "Failed to force push HEAD to $PR_USER" >&2
- exit 10
+ echo "Force pushing $LOCAL_PR_BRANCH to HEAD:$PR_BRANCH for $PR_USER"
+ if ! $GIT push $PR_USER HEAD:$PR_BRANCH --force; then
+ echo "Failed to force push HEAD to $PR_USER" >&2
+ exit 10
+ fi
-echo "Returning to $BRANCH"
-$GIT checkout $BRANCH
+ echo "Returning to $BRANCH"
+ $GIT checkout $BRANCH
if [ -n "$($GIT log origin/$BRANCH..HEAD)" ]; then
echo "Working on dirty branch for $BRANCH! Please reset $BRANCH to origin/$BRANCH" >&2
- exit 10
+ exit 11
echo "Actually merging the PR #$PRID from branch $PR_USER/$PR_BRANCH"
if ! $GIT merge --ff-only $PR_USER/$PR_BRANCH; then
echo "Failed to merge $PR_USER/$PR_BRANCH on $BRANCH" >&2
- exit 11
-if yesno "Push to openwrt $BRANCH" "y"; then
- echo "Pushing to openwrt git server"
- if ! $GIT push; then
- echo "Failed to push to $BRANCH but left branch as is." >&2
- exit 12
- fi
+ if yesno "Push to openwrt $BRANCH" "y"; then
+ echo "Pushing to openwrt git server"
+ if ! $GIT push; then
+ echo "Failed to push to $BRANCH but left branch as is." >&2
+ exit 12
+ fi
- # Default close comment
- COMMENT="Thanks! Rebased on top of $BRANCH and merged!"
- if [ -n "$TOKEN" ] && [ -z "$DRY_RUN" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "Enter a comment and hit <enter> to close the PR at Github automatically now."
- echo "Hit <ctrl>-<c> to exit."
- echo ""
- echo "If you do not provide a comment, the default will be: "
- echo "[$COMMENT]"
- echo -n "Comment > "
- read usercomment
- echo "Sending message to PR..."
- comment="${usercomment:-$COMMENT}"
- comment="${comment//\\/\\\\}"
- comment="${comment//\"/\\\"}"
- comment="$(printf '{"body":"%s"}' "$comment")"
- if ! curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" --user "$TOKEN:x-oauth-basic" --request POST --data "$comment" "$REPO/issues/$PRID/comments" || \
- ! curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" --user "$TOKEN:x-oauth-basic" --request PATCH --data '{"state":"closed"}' "$REPO/pulls/$PRID"
- then
- echo "" >&2
- echo "Something failed while sending comment to the PR via ">&2
- echo "the Github API, please review the state manually at " >&2
- echo "$REPO/pull/$PRID" >&2
- exit 6
+ # Default close comment
+ COMMENT="Thanks! Rebased on top of $BRANCH and merged!"
+ if [ -n "$TOKEN" ] && [ -z "$DRY_RUN" ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Enter a comment and hit <enter> to close the PR at Github automatically now."
+ echo "Hit <ctrl>-<c> to exit."
+ echo ""
+ echo "If you do not provide a comment, the default will be: "
+ echo "[$COMMENT]"
+ echo -n "Comment > "
+ read usercomment
+ echo "Sending message to PR..."
+ comment="${usercomment:-$COMMENT}"
+ comment="${comment//\\/\\\\}"
+ comment="${comment//\"/\\\"}"
+ comment="$(printf '{"body":"%s"}' "$comment")"
+ if ! curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" --user "$TOKEN:x-oauth-basic" --request POST --data "$comment" "$REPO/issues/$PRID/comments" || \
+ ! curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" --user "$TOKEN:x-oauth-basic" --request PATCH --data '{"state":"closed"}' "$REPO/pulls/$PRID"
+ then
+ echo "" >&2
+ echo "Something failed while sending comment to the PR via ">&2
+ echo "the Github API, please review the state manually at " >&2
+ echo "$REPO/pull/$PRID" >&2
+ exit 6
+ fi
- fi
- echo -e "\n"
- echo "The PR has been merged!"
- echo -e "\n"
+ echo -e "\n"
+ echo "The PR has been merged!"
+ echo -e "\n"
+ fi
-echo "Deleting branch $LOCAL_PR_BRANCH"
+if [ "$(echo "$PR_INFO" | jq -r ".maintainer_can_modify")" == "true" ]; then
+ echo "Deleting branch $LOCAL_PR_BRANCH"
exit 0