readonly packageName='vpn-policy-routing'
readonly serviceName="$packageName $PKG_VERSION"
-readonly PID="/var/run/${packageName}.pid"
+readonly PIDFile="/var/run/${packageName}.pid"
+readonly jsonFile="/var/run/${packageName}.json"
readonly dnsmasqFile="/var/dnsmasq.d/${packageName}"
readonly sharedMemoryOutput="/dev/shm/$packageName-output"
readonly _OK_='\033[0;32m\xe2\x9c\x93\033[0m'
version() { echo "$PKG_VERSION"; }
-create_lock() { [ -e "$PID" ] && return 1; touch "$PID"; }
-remove_lock() { [ -e "$PID" ] && rm -f "$PID"; }
+create_lock() { [ -e "$PIDFile" ] && return 1; touch "$PIDFile"; }
+remove_lock() { [ -e "$PIDFile" ] && rm -f "$PIDFile"; }
trap remove_lock EXIT
output_ok() { output 1 "$_OK_"; output 2 "$__OK__\\n"; }
output_okn() { output 1 "$_OK_\\n"; output 2 "$__OK__\\n"; }
is_installed() { [ -s "/usr/lib/opkg/info/${1}.control" ]; }
is_variant_installed() { [ "$(echo /usr/lib/opkg/info/"${1}"*.control)" != "/usr/lib/opkg/info/${1}*.control" ]; }
-list_iface() { ifAll="${ifAll}${1} "; }
-list_supported_iface() { is_supported_interface "$1" && ifSupported="${ifSupported}${1} "; }
-vpr_find_true() {
+build_ifAll() { ifAll="${ifAll}${1} "; }
+build_ifSupported() { is_supported_interface "$1" && ifSupported="${ifSupported}${1} "; }
+vpr_find_iface() {
local iface i param="$2"
[ "$param" = 'wan6' ] || param='wan'
"network_find_${param}" iface
is_tunnel "$iface" && unset iface
if [ -z "$iface" ]; then
- unset ifAll; config_load 'network';
- config_foreach list_iface 'interface'
for i in $ifAll; do
if "is_${param}" "$i"; then break; else unset i; fi
- export "$1=${iface:-$i}"
+ eval "$1"='${iface:-$i}'
vpr_get_gateway() {
local iface="$2" dev="$3" gw
if [ -z "$gw" ] || [ "$gw" = '' ]; then
gw="$(ip -4 a list dev "$dev" 2>/dev/null | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F "/" '{print $1}')"
- export "$1=$gw"
+ eval "$1"='$gw'
vpr_get_gateway6() {
local iface="$2" dev="$3" gw
if [ -z "$gw" ] || [ "$gw" = '::/0' ] || [ "$gw" = '::0/0' ] || [ "$gw" = '::' ]; then
gw="$(ip -6 a list dev "$dev" 2>/dev/null | grep inet6 | awk '{print $2}')"
- export "$1=$gw"
+ eval "$1"='$gw'
is_l2tp() { local proto; proto=$(uci -q get network."$1".proto); [ "${proto:0:4}" = "l2tp" ]; }
is_oc() { local proto; proto=$(uci -q get network."$1".proto); [ "${proto:0:11}" = "openconnect" ]; }
is_default_dev() { [ "$1" = "$(ip -4 r | grep -m1 'dev' | grep -Eso 'dev [^ ]*' | awk '{print $2}')" ]; }
is_supported_iface_dev() {
for n in $ifSupported; do
- if [ "$1" = "$(uci -q get "network.${n}.ifname" || echo "$n")" ] || [ "$1" = "$(uci -q get "network.${n}.proto")-${n}" ] ; then return 0; fi
+ if [ "$1" = "$(uci -q get "network.${n}.ifname" || echo "$n")" ] || \
+ [ "$1" = "$(uci -q get "network.${n}.proto")-${n}" ] ; then return 0; fi
return 1
. /lib/functions/
. /usr/share/libubox/
- vpr_find_true wanIface4 'wan'
- [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ] && vpr_find_true wanIface6 'wan6'
- [ -n "$wanIface4" ] && network_get_gateway wanGW4 "$wanIface4"
- [ -n "$wanIface6" ] && network_get_gateway6 wanGW6 "$wanIface6"
- wanGW="${wanGW4:-$wanGW6}"
+ mkdir -p "${PIDFile%/*}"
+ mkdir -p "${jsonFile%/*}"
+ mkdir -p "${dnsmasqFile%/*}"
+ if [ -n "$icmpIface" ] && ! str_contains_word "$usedChainsList" 'OUTPUT'; then
+ usedChainsList="$usedChainsList OUTPUT"
+ fi
case $insertOption in
insert|-i|-I) insertOption='-I';;
if dnsmasq -v 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'no-ipset' || ! dnsmasq -v 2>/dev/null | grep -q -w 'ipset'; then
unset dnsmasqIpsetSupported
if [ -n "$dnsmasqIpsetSupported" ]; then
- errorSummary="${errorSummary}$_ERROR_: Resolver ipset support (dnsmasq.ipset) is enabled in $packageName, but DNSMASQ ipsets are not supported on this system!\\n"
+ errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Resolver ipset support (dnsmasq.ipset) is enabled in $packageName, but DNSMASQ ipsets are not supported on this system!\\n"
if ! ipset help hash:net >/dev/null 2>&1; then
unset ipsetSupported
if [ -n "$dnsmasqIpsetSupported" ]; then
- errorSummary="${errorSummary}$_ERROR_: DNSMASQ ipsets are supported, but ipset is either not installed or installed ipset does not support 'hash:net' type!\\n"
+ errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: DNSMASQ ipsets are supported, but ipset is either not installed or installed ipset does not support 'hash:net' type!\\n"
unset dnsmasqIpsetSupported
if [ "$destIpset" -ne 0 ]; then
- errorSummary="${errorSummary}$_ERROR_: Destination ipset support is enabled in $packageName, but ipset is either not installed or installed ipset does not support 'hash:net' type!\\n"
+ errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Destination ipset support is enabled in $packageName, but ipset is either not installed or installed ipset does not support 'hash:net' type!\\n"
if [ "$srcIpset" -ne 0 ]; then
- errorSummary="${errorSummary}$_ERROR_: Source ipset support is enabled in $packageName, but ipset is either not installed or installed ipset does not support 'hash:net' type!\\n"
+ errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Source ipset support is enabled in $packageName, but ipset is either not installed or installed ipset does not support 'hash:net' type!\\n"
if ! ipset help hash:mac >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ "$srcIpset" -ne 0 ]; then
- errorSummary="${errorSummary}$_ERROR_: Source ipset support is enabled in $packageName, but ipset is either not installed or installed ipset does not support 'hash:mac' type!\\n"
+ errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Source ipset support is enabled in $packageName, but ipset is either not installed or installed ipset does not support 'hash:mac' type!\\n"
if [ "$serviceEnabled" -eq 0 ]; then
if [ "$1" = 'on_start' ]; then
- output "$packageName is currently disabled.\\n"
- output "Run the following commands before starting service again:\\n"
- output "uci set $packageName.config.enabled='1'; uci commit;\\n"
+ errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: ${packageName} is currently disabled.\\n"
+ errorSummary="${errorSummary}Enable ${packageName} from WebUI or run the following commands:\\n"
+ errorSummary="${errorSummary}uci set $packageName.config.enabled='1'; uci commit $packageName;\\n"
return 1
+load_network() {
+ if [ -z "$ifAll" ]; then
+ config_load 'network'
+ config_foreach build_ifAll 'interface'
+ fi
+ vpr_find_iface wanIface4 'wan'
+ [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ] && vpr_find_iface wanIface6 'wan6'
+ [ -n "$wanIface4" ] && network_get_gateway wanGW4 "$wanIface4"
+ [ -n "$wanIface6" ] && network_get_gateway6 wanGW6 "$wanIface6"
+ wanGW="${wanGW4:-$wanGW6}"
+ unset ifSupported
+ config_load 'network'
+ config_foreach build_ifSupported 'interface'
is_wan_up() {
local sleepCount=1
+ load_network
while [ -z "$wanGW" ] ; do
- vpr_find_true wanIface4 'wan'
- [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ] && vpr_find_true wanIface6 'wan6'
- [ -n "$wanIface4" ] && network_get_gateway wanGW4 "$wanIface4"
- [ -n "$wanIface6" ] && network_get_gateway6 wanGW6 "$wanIface6"
- wanGW="${wanGW4:-$wanGW6}"
+ load_network
if [ $((sleepCount)) -gt $((bootTimeout)) ] || [ -n "$wanGW" ]; then break; fi
- output "$serviceName waiting for wan gateway...\\n"; sleep 1; network_flush_cache; sleepCount=$((sleepCount+1));
+ output "$serviceName waiting for wan gateway...\\n"
+ sleep 1
+ network_flush_cache
+ sleepCount=$((sleepCount+1))
- mkdir -p "${PID%/*}"; mkdir -p "${dnsmasqFile%/*}";
- unset ifSupported
- config_load 'network'
- config_foreach list_supported_iface 'interface'
if [ -n "$wanGW" ]; then
- return 0
- else
- output "$_ERROR_: $serviceName failed to discover WAN gateway!\\n"
+ return 0
+ else
+ errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: ${serviceName} failed to discover WAN gateway!\\n"
return 1
ifaceTableID="$((ifaceTableID + 1))"; ifaceMark="$(printf '0x%06x' $((ifaceMark + wanMark)))";
- export "mark_${iface//-/_}=$ifaceMark"; export "tid_${iface//-/_}=$ifaceTableID";
+ eval "mark_${iface//-/_}"='$ifaceMark'
+ eval "tid_${iface//-/_}"='$ifaceTableID'
table_destroy "${ifaceTableID}" "${iface}"
vpr_get_gateway gw4 "$iface" "$dev"
vpr_get_gateway6 gw6 "$iface" "$dev6"
grep -q "remote_port" "/etc/config/${packageName}" && sed -i 's/remote_port/dest_port/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}"
grep -q "local_ipset" "/etc/config/${packageName}" && sed -i 's/local_ipset/src_ipset/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}"
grep -q "remote_ipset" "/etc/config/${packageName}" && sed -i 's/remote_ipset/dest_ipset/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}"
-# sync
dest_ipset="$(uci -q get $packageName.config.dest_ipset)"
src_ipset="$(uci -q get $packageName.config.src_ipset)"
resolver_ipset="$(uci -q get $packageName.config.resolver_ipset)"
local dnsmasqStoredHash dnsmasqNewHash i modprobeStatus=0
is_enabled 'on_start' || return 1
- is_wan_up || return 0
+ is_wan_up || return 1
if create_lock; then
if [ -s "$dnsmasqFile" ]; then
dnsmasqStoredHash="$(md5sum $dnsmasqFile | awk '{ print $1; }')"
[ "$dnsmasqNewHash" != "$dnsmasqStoredHash" ] && dnsmasq_restart
if [ -z "$gatewaySummary" ]; then
- errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: failed to set up any gateway\\n"
- else
- output "$serviceName started with gateways:\\n${gatewaySummary}"
- [ -n "$errorSummary" ] && output "${errorSummary}"
- [ -n "$warningSummary" ] && output "${warningSummary}"
+ errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: failed to set up any gateway!\\n"
procd_open_instance "main"
procd_set_param command /bin/true
+tmpfs() {
+ local action="$1" param="$2" value="$3"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+ local gateway error warning mode i
+ if [ -s "$jsonFile" ]; then
+ json_load_file "$jsonFile" 2>/dev/null
+ json_select 'status' 2>/dev/null
+ for i in gateway error warning mode; do
+ json_get_var $i "$i" 2>/dev/null
+ done
+ fi
+ case "$action" in
+ get)
+ printf "%b" "$(eval echo "\$$param")"; return;;
+ add)
+ eval "$param"='$(eval echo "\$$param")${value}';;
+ del)
+ case "$param" in
+ all)
+ unset gateway error warning mode;;
+ *)
+ unset "$param";;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ set)
+ eval "$param"='$value';;
+ esac
+ json_init
+ json_add_object 'status'
+ json_add_string version "$PKG_VERSION"
+ for i in gateway error warning mode; do
+ json_add_string "$i" "$(eval echo "\$$i")"
+ done
+ json_close_object
+ json_dump > "$jsonFile"
+ sync
service_started() {
+ tmpfs set 'gateway' "$gatewaySummary"
+ tmpfs set 'error' "$errorSummary"
+ tmpfs set 'warning' "$warningSummary"
+ if [ "$strictMode" -ne 0 ] && str_contains "$gatewaySummary" ''; then
+ tmpfs set 'mode' 'strict'
+ fi
+ [ -n "$gatewaySummary" ] && output "$serviceName started with gateways:\\n${gatewaySummary}"
+ [ -n "$errorSummary" ] && output "${errorSummary}"
+ [ -n "$warningSummary" ] && output "${warningSummary}"
if [ -n "$errorSummary" ]; then
return 2
elif [ -n "$warningSummary" ]; then
wanGW6=$(ip -6 route show | grep -m1 " dev $dev6 " | awk '{print $1}')
[ "$wanGW6" = "default" ] && wanGW6=$(ip -6 route show | grep -m1 " dev $dev6 " | awk '{print $3}')
- while [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ]; do param="${1//-/}"; export "set_$param=1"; shift; done
+ while [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ]; do param="${1//-/}"; eval "set_$param=1"; shift; done
[ -e "/var/${packageName}-support" ] && rm -f "/var/${packageName}-support"
status="$serviceName running on $dist $vers."
[ -n "$wanIface4" ] && status="$status WAN (IPv4): ${wanIface4}/${dev}/${wanGW4:-}."