#include <asm/tm.h>
#include <asm/opal.h>
#include <asm/xive-regs.h>
+#include <asm/thread_info.h>
/* Sign-extend HDEC if not on POWER9 */
#define EXTEND_HDEC(reg) \
* We come here if we get any exception or interrupt while we are
* executing host real mode code while in guest MMU context.
- * For now just spin, but we should do something better.
+ * r12 is (CR << 32) | vector
+ * r13 points to our PACA
+ * r12 is saved in HSTATE_SCRATCH0(r13)
+ * ctr is saved in HSTATE_SCRATCH1(r13) if RELOCATABLE
+ * r9 is saved in HSTATE_SCRATCH2(r13)
+ * r13 is saved in HSPRG1
+ * cfar is saved in HSTATE_CFAR(r13)
+ * ppr is saved in HSTATE_PPR(r13)
+ /*
+ * Switch to the emergency stack, but start half-way down in
+ * case we were already on it.
+ */
+ mr r9, r1
+ std r1, PACAR1(r13)
+ ld r1, PACAEMERGSP(r13)
+ subi r1, r1, THREAD_SIZE/2 + INT_FRAME_SIZE
+ std r9, 0(r1)
+ std r0, GPR0(r1)
+ std r9, GPR1(r1)
+ std r2, GPR2(r1)
+ SAVE_4GPRS(3, r1)
+ SAVE_2GPRS(7, r1)
+ srdi r0, r12, 32
+ clrldi r12, r12, 32
+ std r0, _CCR(r1)
+ std r12, _TRAP(r1)
+ andi. r0, r12, 2
+ beq 1f
+ mfspr r3, SPRN_HSRR0
+ mfspr r4, SPRN_HSRR1
+ mfspr r5, SPRN_HDAR
+ mfspr r6, SPRN_HDSISR
+ b 2f
+1: mfspr r3, SPRN_SRR0
+ mfspr r4, SPRN_SRR1
+ mfspr r5, SPRN_DAR
+ mfspr r6, SPRN_DSISR
+2: std r3, _NIP(r1)
+ std r4, _MSR(r1)
+ std r5, _DAR(r1)
+ std r6, _DSISR(r1)
+ ld r9, HSTATE_SCRATCH2(r13)
+ ld r12, HSTATE_SCRATCH0(r13)
+ SAVE_4GPRS(9, r1)
+ std r0, GPR13(r1)
+ ld r5, HSTATE_CFAR(r13)
+ std r5, ORIG_GPR3(r1)
+ mflr r3
+ ld r4, HSTATE_SCRATCH1(r13)
+ mfctr r4
+ mfxer r5
+ lbz r6, PACASOFTIRQEN(r13)
+ std r3, _LINK(r1)
+ std r4, _CTR(r1)
+ std r5, _XER(r1)
+ std r6, SOFTE(r1)
+ ld r2, PACATOC(r13)
+ LOAD_REG_IMMEDIATE(3, 0x7265677368657265)
+ std r3, STACK_FRAME_OVERHEAD-16(r1)
+ /*
+ * On POWER9 do a minimal restore of the MMU and call C code,
+ * which will print a message and panic.
+ * XXX On POWER7 and POWER8, we just spin here since we don't
+ * know what the other threads are doing (and we don't want to
+ * coordinate with them) - but at least we now have register state
+ * in memory that we might be able to look at from another CPU.
+ */
b .
+ ld r9, HSTATE_KVM_VCPU(r13)
+ ld r10, VCPU_KVM(r9)
+ li r0, 0
+ mtspr SPRN_AMR, r0
+ mtspr SPRN_IAMR, r0
+ mtspr SPRN_CIABR, r0
+ mtspr SPRN_DAWRX, r0
+ /* Flush the ERAT on radix P9 DD1 guest exit */
+ b 4f
+ slbmte r0, r0
+ slbia
+ ptesync
+ LDX_BE r5, r8, r3
+ addi r3, r3, 8
+ LDX_BE r6, r8, r3
+ andis. r7, r5, SLB_ESID_V@h
+ beq 3f
+ slbmte r6, r5
+3: addi r8, r8, 16
+ .endr
+4: lwz r7, KVM_HOST_LPID(r10)
+ mtspr SPRN_LPID, r7
+ mtspr SPRN_PID, r0
+ ld r8, KVM_HOST_LPCR(r10)
+ mtspr SPRN_LPCR, r8
+ isync
+ stb r0, HSTATE_IN_GUEST(r13)
+ /*
+ * Turn on the MMU and jump to C code
+ */
+ bcl 20, 31, .+4
+5: mflr r3
+ addi r3, r3, 9f - 5b
+ ld r4, PACAKMSR(r13)
+ mtspr SPRN_SRR0, r3
+ mtspr SPRN_SRR1, r4
+ rfid
+9: addi r3, r1, STACK_FRAME_OVERHEAD
+ bl kvmppc_bad_interrupt
+ b 9b
* This mimics the MSR transition on IRQ delivery. The new guest MSR is taken