#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# vim: set ft=bash
+# shellcheck disable=2155,3019,3043,3057,3060
+log_msg() {
+ local irq_name="$1" affinity="$2" irq="$3"
+ msg="$(printf "Pinning IRQ($irq) %-24s to CPU ${affinity}\n" "$irq_name")"
+ logger -t "$PROG" "$msg"
+### Takes a comma, space separated, or range list of CPU numbers and
+## returns a bitmask of CPUs.
+## cpus_to_bitmask "0,1,2,3" -> f
+## cpus_to_bitmask "0 1 2 3" -> f
+## cpus_to_bitmask "0-3" -> f
+## cpus_to_bitmask "3" -> 8
+cpus_to_bitmask() {
+ local bitmask=0
+ # shellcheck disable=2048
+ for range in ${*//,/ }; do
+ start="${range%-*}"
+ end="${range#*-}"
+ if [ -z "$end" ]; then
+ bitmask="$((bitmask | 1 << start))"
+ else
+ bitmask="$((bitmask | (2 ** (end - start + 1) - 1) << start))"
+ fi
+ done
+ printf '%x' $bitmask
+### Takes a bitmask of CPUs and returns a space separated list of
+## CPU numbers.
+## bitmask_to_cpus f -> 0 1 2 3
+bitmask_to_cpus() {
+ [ "${1:0:2}" != "0x" ] && set -- "0x$1"
+ local bitmask="$(printf '%d' "$1")"
+ local cpus=""
+ for i in $(seq 0 63); do
+ if [ $((bitmask & 1)) -ne 0 ]; then
+ cpus="$cpus $i"
+ fi
+ bitmask=$((bitmask >> 1))
+ done
+ echo "${cpus# }"
+### Sets the affinity of the IRQs with the given name to the given CPU.
+## 1st argument: IRQ name ("reo2host-destination-ring1") (req)
+## 2nd argument: CPU number (req)
+set_affinity() {
+ local irq_name="$1" affinity="$2" bitmask irq
+ awk -v irq_name="$1" '$0 ~ irq_name { print substr($1, 1, length($1)-1); exit }' /proc/interrupts \
+ | while read -r irq; do
+ $enable_log && {
+ log_msg "$irq_name" "$affinity" "$irq"
+ }
+ bitmask=$(cpus_to_bitmask "$affinity") && echo "$bitmask" > "/proc/irq/$irq/smp_affinity"
+ done
enable_affinity_ipq807x() {
- set_affinity() {
- irq=$(awk "/$1/{ print substr(\$1, 1, length(\$1)-1); exit }" /proc/interrupts)
- [ -n "$irq" ] && echo $2 > /proc/irq/$irq/smp_affinity
- }
- # assign 4 rx interrupts to each core
- set_affinity 'reo2host-destination-ring1' 1
- set_affinity 'reo2host-destination-ring2' 2
- set_affinity 'reo2host-destination-ring3' 4
- set_affinity 'reo2host-destination-ring4' 8
- # assign 3 tcl completions to last 3 CPUs
- set_affinity 'wbm2host-tx-completions-ring1' 2
- set_affinity 'wbm2host-tx-completions-ring2' 4
- set_affinity 'wbm2host-tx-completions-ring3' 8
- # assign 3 ppdu mac interrupts to last 3 cores
- set_affinity 'ppdu-end-interrupts-mac1' 2
- set_affinity 'ppdu-end-interrupts-mac2' 4
- set_affinity 'ppdu-end-interrupts-mac3' 8
- # assign lan/wan to core 4
- set_affinity 'edma_txcmpl' 8
- set_affinity 'edma_rxfill' 8
- set_affinity 'edma_rxdesc' 8
- set_affinity 'edma_misc' 8
+ # assign 4 rx interrupts to each core
+ set_affinity 'reo2host-destination-ring1' 0
+ set_affinity 'reo2host-destination-ring2' 1
+ set_affinity 'reo2host-destination-ring3' 2
+ set_affinity 'reo2host-destination-ring4' 3
+ # assign 3 tcl completions to last 3 CPUs
+ set_affinity 'wbm2host-tx-completions-ring1' 1
+ set_affinity 'wbm2host-tx-completions-ring2' 2
+ set_affinity 'wbm2host-tx-completions-ring3' 3
+ # assign 3 ppdu mac interrupts to last 3 cores
+ set_affinity 'ppdu-end-interrupts-mac1' 1
+ set_affinity 'ppdu-end-interrupts-mac2' 2
+ set_affinity 'ppdu-end-interrupts-mac3' 3
+ # assign 4 lan/wan to core 4
+ set_affinity 'edma_txcmpl' 3
+ set_affinity 'edma_rxfill' 3
+ set_affinity 'edma_rxdesc' 3
+ set_affinity 'edma_misc' 3
boot() {
- enable_affinity_ipq807x
+ local enable
+ config_load smp_affinity
+ config_get_bool enable "general" enable 1
+ config_get_bool enable_log "general" enable_log 1
+ [ "$enable" -eq 1 ] && enable=true || enable=false
+ [ "$enable_log" -eq 1 ] && enable_log=true || enable_log=false
+ $enable && enable_affinity_ipq807x