compiler to use for a given Linaro Release. Also, these
[Linaro instructions][Linaro SW Instructions] provide further guidance.
+Optionally, Trusted Firmware can be built using clang or ARM Compiler 6.
+See instructions below on how to switch the default compiler.
In addition, the following optional packages and tools may be needed:
* `device-tree-compiler` package if you need to rebuild the Flattened Device
export CROSS_COMPILE=<path-to-aarch32-gcc>/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-
+ It is possible to build Trusted Firmware using clang or ARM Compiler 6.
+ To do so `CC` needs to point to the clang or armclang binary. Only the
+ compiler is switched; the assembler and linker need to be provided by
+ the GNU toolchain, thus `CROSS_COMPILE` should be set as described above.
+ ARM Compiler 6 will be selected when the base name of the path assigned
+ to `CC` matches the string 'armclang'.
+ For AArch64 using ARM Compiler 6:
+ export CROSS_COMPILE=<path-to-aarch64-gcc>/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-
+ make CC=<path-to-armclang>/bin/armclang PLAT=<platform> all
+ Clang will be selected when the base name of the path assigned to `CC`
+ contains the string 'clang'. This is to allow both clang and clang-X.Y
+ to work.
+ For AArch64 using clang:
+ export CROSS_COMPILE=<path-to-aarch64-gcc>/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-
+ make CC=<path-to-clang>/bin/clang PLAT=<platform> all
* Change to the root directory of the Trusted Firmware source tree and build.
For AArch64: