These knobs control the timeouts during initial connection to the TFTP
server. Since a transfer is attempted during each boot, it is undesirable to
have a long delay when a TFTP server is not present.
- CONFIG_UPDATE_TFTP_MSEC_MAX specifies the number of seconds to wait for the
- server to respond to initial connection, and CONFIG_UPDATE_TFTP_CNT_MAX
+ CONFIG_UPDATE_TFTP_MSEC_MAX specifies the number of milliseconds to wait for
+ the server to respond to initial connection, and CONFIG_UPDATE_TFTP_CNT_MAX
gives the number of such connection retries. CONFIG_UPDATE_TFTP_CNT_MAX must
be non-negative and is 0 by default, CONFIG_UPDATE_TFTP_MSEC_MAX must be
- positive and is 1 by default.
+ positive and is 100 by default.
Since the update file is in FIT format, it is created from an *.its file using
the mkimage tool. dtc tool with support for binary includes, e.g. in version