--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# ./sha2rsync.pl <rlist> <llist> <torsync>
+# <rlist> is the filename of sha256sums fetched from server
+# <llist> is the filename of sha256sums generated locally
+# <torsync> is the filename of the list of files to upload
+# <rlist> and <llist> are files formatted as follows:
+#checksum *pathtofile
+# both files must be sorted based on pathtofile: the script performs
+# in-place merge (O(n+m)) of both lists based on that assumption.
+# <rlist> and <llist> are parsed only once.
+# the script cannot currently handle any other type of input
+# the script will generate <torsync>, a list of files suitable for
+# using with "rsync --files-from=<torsync>"
+# if <rlist> doesn't exist, all files in <llist> are added to the
+# upload list.
+# if <rlist> exists, the <llist> files are added if:
+# - they're not present in <rlist>
+# - they're present in <rlist> AND their checksums differ
+# the script will clobber <torsync>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use integer;
+die ("wrong number of arguments!") if ($#ARGV+1 != 3);
+my $shapat = qr/^(\w+) \*(.+)$/;
+my $rlist = $ARGV[0];
+my $llist = $ARGV[1];
+my $torsync = $ARGV[2];
+my $rlist_fh = undef;
+my $llist_fh = undef;
+my $torsync_fh = undef;
+open($torsync_fh, ">", $torsync) or die("can't create output file!");
+open($llist_fh, "<", $llist) or die("can't read local list!");
+open($rlist_fh, "<", $rlist);
+my $lline = readline($llist_fh);
+my $rline = readline($rlist_fh);
+MAINLOOP: while () {
+ # run this loop as long as we have content from both rlist and llist
+ last (MAINLOOP) unless (defined($lline) && defined($rline));
+ chomp($lline);
+ my ($lcsum, $lfname) = $lline =~ $shapat;
+ chomp($rline);
+ my ($rcsum, $rfname) = $rline =~ $shapat;
+ # compare current remote and local filenames
+ my $rtlcmp = ($rfname cmp $lfname);
+ while ($rtlcmp < 0) { # remote fname is before current local fname: remote file doesn't exist localy
+ $rline = readline($rlist_fh);
+ next (MAINLOOP);
+ }
+ while ($rtlcmp > 0) { # remote fname is after current local fname: local file doesn't exist remotely
+ add_file($lfname); # add lfname to upload list
+ $lline = readline($llist_fh);
+ next (MAINLOOP);
+ }
+ # if we end here, rtlcmp == 0: fnames matched, the file exist localy and remotely
+ # fetch next line of both streams for the next iteration
+ $lline = readline($llist_fh);
+ $rline = readline($rlist_fh);
+ # and skip if csums match
+ next (MAINLOOP) if ($lcsum eq $rcsum);
+ # otherwise add the file as it's different
+ add_file($lfname);
+# deal with remainder of llist if any
+while (defined($lline)) {
+ chomp($lline);
+ my ($lcsum, $lfname) = $lline =~ $shapat;
+ add_file($lfname);
+ $lline = readline($llist_fh);
+# unconditionally add some mandatory files to rsynclist
+# add them last so they're transferred last: if everything else transferred correctly
+exit (0);
+sub add_file {
+ my $fname = shift;
+ print $torsync_fh "$fname\n";