New swap devices are added in decreasing priority order, starting at -1. Make
sure the zram swap device has the highest priority, by default.
Signed-off-by: Rui Salvaterra <>
local zram_size="$( zram_getsize )"
local zram_priority="$( uci -q get system.@system[0].zram_priority )"
- zram_priority=${zram_priority:+-p $zram_priority}
+ if [ -z "$zram_priority" ]; then
+ zram_priority="100"
+ fi
logger -s -t zram_start -p daemon.debug "activating '$zram_dev' for swapping ($zram_size MegaBytes)"
zram_comp_algo "$zram_dev"
echo $(( $zram_size * 1024 * 1024 )) >"/sys/block/$( basename "$zram_dev" )/disksize"
busybox mkswap "$zram_dev"
- busybox swapon -d $zram_priority "$zram_dev"
+ busybox swapon -d -p $zram_priority "$zram_dev"