|Web UI Section|Parameter|Type|Default|Description|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|Basic|enabled|boolean|0|Enable/disable the ```simple-adblock``` service.|
+|Basic|config_update_enabled|boolean|0|Enable/disable the ```simple-adblock``` config update. Oftentimes, the URLs to the blocked hosts/domains files become obsolete/outdated, resulting in the error during lists download stage. ```simple-adblock``` already updates users' config files during install/reinstall, if you enable this variable it will also attempt to fetch and use the most recent config update file before downloading allow/block-lists.|
|Basic|verbosity|integer|2|Can be set to 0, 1 or 2 to control the console and system log output verbosity of the ```simple-adblock``` service.|
|Basic|force_dns|boolean|1|Force router's DNS to local devices which may have different/hardcoded DNS server settings. If enabled, creates a firewall rule to intercept DNS requests from local devices to external DNS servers and redirect them to router.|
|Basic|led|string|none|Use one of the router LEDs to indicate the AdBlocking status.|
readonly __OK__='\033[0;32m[\xe2\x9c\x93]\033[0m'
readonly __FAIL__='\033[0;31m[\xe2\x9c\x97]\033[0m'
readonly _ERROR_='\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m'
+readonly configUpdateURL='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/openwrt/packages/net/simple-adblock/files/simple-adblock.conf.update'
getStatusText() {
local _ret
errorOhSnap) _ret="failed to create block-list or restart DNS resolver";;
errorStopping) _ret="failed to stop $serviceName";;
errorDNSReload) _ret="failed to reload/restart DNS resolver";;
+ errorDownloadingConfigUpdate) _ret="failed to download Config Update file";;
errorDownloadingList) _ret="failed to download";;
errorParsingList) _ret="failed to parse";;
+ errorParsingConfigUpdate) _ret="failed to parse Config Update file";;
printf "%b" "$_ret"
config_get_bool debug 'config' 'debug' 0
config_get_bool compressedCache 'config' 'compressed_cache' 0
config_get_bool ipv6Enabled 'config' 'ipv6_enabled' 0
+ config_get_bool configUpdateEnabled 'config' 'config_update_enabled' 0
config_get bootDelay 'config' 'boot_delay' '120'
config_get dlTimeout 'config' 'download_timeout' '20'
config_get curlRetry 'config' 'curl_retry' '3'
return 0
+process_config_update() {
+ local label R_TMP
+ [ "$configUpdateEnabled" -eq 0 ] && return 0
+ label="${1##*//}"; label="${label%%/*}";
+ while [ -z "$R_TMP" ] || [ -e "$R_TMP" ]; do
+ R_TMP="$(mktemp -u -q -t ${packageName}_tmp.XXXXXXXX)"
+ done
+ if ! $dl_command "$1" $dl_flag "$R_TMP" 2>/dev/null || [ ! -s "$R_TMP" ]; then
+ output 1 "$_FAIL_"
+ output 2 "[DL] Config Update: $label $__FAIL__\\n"
+ tmpfs add error "errorDownloadingConfigUpdate"
+ else
+ if ! sed -f "$R_TMP" -i /etc/config/simple-adblock; then
+ output 1 "$_FAIL_"
+ output 2 "[DL] Config Update: $label $__FAIL__\\n"
+ tmpfs add error "errorParsingConfigUpdate"
+ else
+ output 1 "$_OK_"
+ output 2 "[DL] Config Update: $label $__OK__\\n"
+ fi
+ fi
+ rm -f "$R_TMP"
+ return 0
download_lists() {
local hf w_filter j=0 R_TMP
touch $A_TMP; touch $B_TMP;
output 1 'Downloading lists '
+ process_config_update "$configUpdateURL"
rm -f "$sharedMemoryError"
if [ -n "$blocked_hosts_urls" ]; then
for hf in ${blocked_hosts_urls}; do