The IPsec ip route table has the default number 220.
If mwan3 has more then 7 bits set (124 interfaces) then if mwan3 down is
executed the table is also cleared. To solve this set default max 7
bits in the mmx_mask for mwan3.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert <>
MWAN3_INTERFACE_MAX=$(uci_get_state mwan3 globals iface_max)
config_load mwan3
- config_get MMX_MASK globals mmx_mask '0xff00'
+ config_get MMX_MASK globals mmx_mask '0x3F00'
echo "$MMX_MASK" > "${MWAN3_STATUS_DIR}/mmx_mask"
$LOG notice "Using firewall mask ${MMX_MASK}"