--- /dev/null
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+PKG_MAINTAINER:=Gerard Ryan <G.M0N3Y.2503@gmail.com>
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/cache-domains/default
+ SECTION:=utils
+ CATEGORY:=Utilities
+ TITLE:=Game content cache DNS
+ URL:=https://github.com/uklans/cache-domains
+ DEPENDS:=+jq +bash +dnsmasq +ca-bundle
+define Package/cache-domains/description/default
+Service to dynamically configure the local DNS (dnsmasq) to redirect game content servers to a LAN cache.
+Definitive list dynamically obtained from https://github.com/uklans/cache-domains.
+define Package/cache-domains/install/default
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/cache-domains.init $(1)/etc/init.d/cache-domains
+Build/Compile=# Nothing to compile, just install the scripts
+define Package/cache-domains-openssl
+ $(Package/cache-domains/default)
+ TITLE += (openssl)
+ DEPENDS += +libustream-openssl
+ VARIANT:=openssl
+Package/cache-domains-openssl/description = $(Package/cache-domains/description/default)
+Package/cache-domains-openssl/install = $(Package/cache-domains/install/default)
+define Package/cache-domains-mbedtls
+ $(Package/cache-domains/default)
+ TITLE += (mbedtls)
+ DEPENDS += +libustream-mbedtls
+ VARIANT:=mbedtls
+Package/cache-domains-mbedtls/description = $(Package/cache-domains/description/default)
+Package/cache-domains-mbedtls/install = $(Package/cache-domains/install/default)
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,cache-domains-openssl))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,cache-domains-mbedtls))
--- /dev/null
+# cache-domains
+Service to dynamically configure the local DNS (dnsmasq) to redirect game content servers to a LAN cache. Definitive list dynamically obtained from https://github.com/uklans/cache-domains.
+## Configuration
+Configuration file follows the same [syntax as the upsteam file](https://github.com/uklans/cache-domains/blob/master/scripts/config.example.json). The key for each `cache_domain` member matches the name of one of the `.txt` files in the [upstream root directory](https://github.com/uklans/cache-domains/blob/master/), except for the `default` key which matches the all the unreferenced `.txt` files. The value of each `cache_domain` member maps to one of the keys of the `ips` members, Thus mapping a cached domain to a list of IP addresses/LAN cache server.
+ "ips": {
+ "server1": ["", ""],
+ "server2": "",
+ "server3": ""
+ },
+ "cache_domains": {
+ "default": "server2",
+ "blizzard": "server1",
+ "origin": "server1",
+ "steam": "server1",
+ "wsus": "server3",
+ "xboxlive": "server3"
+ }
+## Startup/Shutdown
+On start the local DNS (dnsmasq) will be configured to redirect the configured cache domains and on stop the redirection will be removed.
+## Testing
+With the above configuration set and the service running `nslookup swcdn.apple.com` would return ``
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+start() {
+ mkdir -p ${CACHE_DOMAINS_DIR}
+ rm -fr ${CACHE_DOMAINS_DIR}/*
+ if ! wget -qO - ${CACHE_DOMAINS_SRC} | tar -xzC ${CACHE_DOMAINS_DIR}; then
+ echo "ERROR: Could not retrieve ${CACHE_DOMAINS_SRC}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ INITIAL_DIR="$(pwd)"
+ cd ${CACHE_DOMAINS_DIR}/*/scripts/
+ if [ ! -f ${CONFIG_FILE} ]; then
+ cp config.example.json ${CONFIG_FILE}
+ echo "Using example config file ${CONFIG_FILE}"
+ fi
+ cp ${CONFIG_FILE} config.json
+ ./create-dnsmasq.sh
+ cp ./output/dnsmasq/* /tmp/dnsmasq.d/
+ /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart
+stop() {
+ # leave dnsmasq in a clean state
+ for FILE in ${CACHE_DOMAINS_DIR}/*/scripts/output/dnsmasq/*; do
+ rm -f /tmp/dnsmasq.d/$(basename ${FILE})
+ done
+ /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart