def get_flash_size():
+ # make sure we don't have an A0 stepping
+ tn.write("cat /proc/cpuinfo\n")
+ buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0", 3)
+ if not buf:
+ print "Unable to obtain CPU information; make sure to not use A0 stepping!"
+ elif buf.find('rev 0') > 0:
+ print "Warning: IXP42x stepping A0 detected!"
+ if imagefile or url:
+ print "Error: No linux support for A0 stepping!"
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # now get flash size
tn.write("cat /proc/mtd\n")
- # wait for prompt
buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0", 3)
if buf:
i = buf.find('mtd0:')
elif o in ("-V", "--version"):
- print "%s: 0.10" % sys.argv[0]
+ print "%s: 0.11" % sys.argv[0]
elif o in ("-d", "--no-dump"):
do_dump = 1