$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib/ipsec/plugins
$(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ipsec/_updown $(1)/usr/lib/ipsec/
$(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/ipsec/plugins/libstrongswan-updown.so $(1)/usr/lib/ipsec/plugins/
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/ipsec
+ $(CP) ./files/etc/hotplug.d/ipsec/01-user \
+ $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/ipsec/01-user
define Plugin/vici/install
--- /dev/null
+[ -e "/etc/ipsec.user" ] && {
+ . /etc/ipsec.user "$2"
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+--- a/src/_updown/_updown.in
++++ b/src/_updown/_updown.in
+@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@
+ # that, and use the (left/right)updown parameters in ipsec.conf to make
+ # strongSwan use yours instead of this default one.
++# Add your custom commands to the file "/etc/ipsec.user". Other packages could
++# also install their scripts in the directory "/etc/hotplug.d/ipsec".
++# This files/scripts are executed by the openwrt hotplug functionality on
++# ipsec events.
++exec /sbin/hotplug-call ipsec "$1"
+ # indicates what version of this interface is being
+ # used. This document describes version 1.1. This
+++ /dev/null
---- a/src/_updown/_updown.in
-+++ b/src/_updown/_updown.in
-@@ -16,11 +16,9 @@
- # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- # for more details.
--# CAUTION: Installing a new version of strongSwan will install a new
--# copy of this script, wiping out any custom changes you make. If
--# you need changes, make a copy of this under another name, and customize
--# that, and use the (left/right)updown parameters in ipsec.conf to make
--# strongSwan use yours instead of this default one.
-+# Add your custom ip rules to the /etc/ipsec.user file if you need that functionality.
-+[ -e /etc/ipsec.user ] && . /etc/ipsec.user "$1"
- # indicates what version of this interface is being