local tools = require "luci.tools.ffwizard"
local util = require "luci.util"
local sys = require "luci.sys"
+local ip = require "luci.ip"
+local function mksubnet(community, meship)
+ local subnet_prefix = tonumber(uci:get("freifunk", community, "splash_prefix")) or 27
+ local pool_network = uci:get("freifunk", community, "splash_network") or ""
+ local pool = luci.ip.IPv4(pool_network)
+ if pool then
+ local hosts_per_subnet = 2^(32 - subnet_prefix)
+ local number_of_subnets = (2^pool:prefix())/hosts_per_subnet
+ local seed1, seed2 = meship:match("(%d+)%.(%d+)$")
+ math.randomseed(seed1 * seed2)
+ local subnet = pool:add(hosts_per_subnet * math.random(number_of_subnets))
+ local subnet_ipaddr = subnet:network(subnet_prefix):add(1):string()
+ local subnet_netmask = subnet:mask(subnet_prefix):string()
+ return subnet_ipaddr, subnet_netmask
+ end
-------------------- View --------------------
main = f:field(Flag, "wifi", "Freifunkzugang einrichten")
-net = f:field(Value, "net", "Freifunknetz", "1. Teil der IP-Adresse")
+net = f:field(Value, "net", "Freifunk Community", "Mesh Netzbereich")
net.rmempty = true
net:depends("wifi", "1")
uci:foreach("freifunk", "community", function(s)
- net:value(s[".name"], "%s (%s)" % {s.name, s.prefix})
+ net:value(s[".name"], "%s (%s)" % {s.name, s.mesh_network or "?"})
function net.cfgvalue(self, section)
-subnet = f:field(Value, "subnet", "Subnetz (Projekt)", "2. Teil der IP-Adresse")
-subnet.rmempty = true
-subnet:depends("wifi", "1")
-function subnet.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "subnet")
+meship = f:field(Value, "meship", "Mesh IP Adresse", "Netzweit eindeutige Identifikation")
+meship.rmempty = true
+meship:depends("wifi", "1")
+function meship.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "meship")
-function subnet.write(self, section, value)
- uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "subnet", value)
+function meship.write(self, section, value)
+ uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "meship", value)
-node = f:field(Value, "node", "Knoten", "3. Teil der IP-Adresse")
-node.rmempty = true
-node:depends("wifi", "1")
-for i=1, 51 do
- node:value(i)
-function node.cfgvalue(self, section)
- return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "node")
-function node.write(self, section, value)
- uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "node", value)
- uci:save("freifunk")
+function meship.validate(self, value)
+ local x = ip.IPv4(value)
+ return ( x and x:prefix() == 32 ) and x:string() or ""
client = f:field(Flag, "client", "WLAN-DHCP anbieten")
client:depends("wifi", "1")
-client.rmempty = true
+client.rmempty = false
+function client.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "dhcp_splash") or "0"
olsr = f:field(Flag, "olsr", "OLSR einrichten")
olsr.rmempty = true
lat = f:field(Value, "lat", "Latitude")
lat:depends("olsr", "1")
+function lat.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "latitude")
+function lat.write(self, section, value)
+ uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "latitude", value)
+ uci:save("freifunk")
lon = f:field(Value, "lon", "Longitude")
lon:depends("olsr", "1")
+function lon.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "longitude")
+function lon.write(self, section, value)
+ uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "longitude", value)
+ uci:save("freifunk")
share = f:field(Flag, "sharenet", "Eigenen Internetzugang freigeben")
share.rmempty = true
+wansec = f:field(Flag, "wansec", "WAN-Zugriff auf Gateway beschränken")
+wansec.rmempty = false
+wansec:depends("sharenet", "1")
+function wansec.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "wan_security")
+function wansec.write(self, section, value)
+ uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "wan_security", value)
+ uci:save("freifunk")
-------------------- Control --------------------
function f.handle(self, state, data)
local device = dev:formvalue(section)
- local community, external
+ local node_ip, external
-- Collect IP-Address
- local inet = net:formvalue(section)
- local isubnet = subnet:formvalue(section)
- local inode = node:formvalue(section)
+ local community = net:formvalue(section)
-- Invalidate fields
- if not inet then
+ if not community then
net.tag_missing[section] = true
- community = inet
- external = uci:get("freifunk", community, "external") or ""
- inet = uci:get("freifunk", community, "prefix") or inet
- end
- if not isubnet then
- subnet.tag_missing[section] = true
- end
- if not inode then
- node.tag_missing[section] = true
- end
+ external = uci:get("freifunk", community, "external") or ""
+ network = ip.IPv4(uci:get("freifunk", community, "mesh_network") or "")
+ node_ip = meship:formvalue(section) and ip.IPv4(meship:formvalue(section))
- if not inet or not isubnet or not inode then
- return
+ if not node_ip or not network or not network:contains(node_ip) then
+ meship.tag_missing[section] = true
+ node_ip = nil
+ end
- local ip = "%s.%s.%s" % {inet, isubnet, inode}
+ if not node_ip then return end
-- Cleanup
local netconfig = uci:get_all("freifunk", "interface")
util.update(netconfig, uci:get_all(external, "interface") or {})
netconfig.proto = "static"
- netconfig.ipaddr = ip
+ netconfig.ipaddr = node_ip:string()
uci:section("network", "interface", device, netconfig)
tools.firewall_zone_add_interface("freifunk", device)
- local new_hostname = ip:gsub("%.", "-")
+ local new_hostname = node_ip:string():gsub("%.", "-")
local old_hostname = sys.hostname()
uci:foreach("system", "system",
function share.write(self, section, value)
uci:delete_all("firewall", "forwarding", {src="freifunk", dest="wan"})
uci:delete_all("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", {library="olsrd_dyn_gw_plain.so.0.4"})
+ uci:foreach("firewall", "zone",
+ function(s)
+ if s.name == "wan" then
+ uci:delete("firewall", s['.name'], "local_restrict")
+ return false
+ end
+ end)
if value == "1" then
uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, {src="freifunk", dest="wan"})
uci:section("olsrd", "LoadPlugin", nil, {library="olsrd_dyn_gw_plain.so.0.4"})
+ if wansec:formvalue(section) == "1" then
+ uci:foreach("firewall", "zone",
+ function(s)
+ if s.name == "wan" then
+ uci:set("firewall", s['.name'], "local_restrict", "1")
+ return false
+ end
+ end)
+ end
function client.write(self, section, value)
if value == "0" then
+ uci:delete("freifunk", "wizard", "dhcp_splash")
+ uci:save("freifunk")
local device = dev:formvalue(section)
-- Collect IP-Address
- local inet = net:formvalue(section)
- local isubnet = subnet:formvalue(section)
- local inode = node:formvalue(section)
+ local node_ip = meship:formvalue(section)
- if not inet or not isubnet or not inode then
- return
- end
- local community = inet
- local external = community and uci:get("freifunk", community, "external") or ""
- inet = uci:get("freifunk", community, "prefix") or inet
+ if not node_ip then return end
- local dhcpbeg = 48 + tonumber(inode) * 4
- local dclient = "%s.%s.%s" % {inet:gsub("^[0-9]+", "10"), isubnet, dhcpbeg}
- local limit = dhcpbeg < 252 and 3 or 2
+ local community = net:formvalue(section)
+ local external = community and uci:get("freifunk", community, "external") or ""
+ local splash_ip, splash_mask = mksubnet(community, node_ip)
-- Delete old alias
uci:delete("network", device .. "dhcp")
local aliasbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "alias")
util.update(aliasbase, uci:get_all(external, "alias") or {})
aliasbase.interface = device
- aliasbase.ipaddr = dclient
+ aliasbase.ipaddr = splash_ip
+ aliasbase.netmask = splash_mask
aliasbase.proto = "static"
uci:section("network", "alias", device .. "dhcp", aliasbase)
-- Make sure that luci_splash is enabled
sys.exec("/etc/init.d/luci_splash enable")
+ -- Remember state
+ uci:set("freifunk", "wizard", "dhcp_splash", "1")
+ uci:save("freifunk")
return f
option name "Freifunk Leipzig"
option homepage http://leipzig.freifunk.net
option ssid "leipzig.freifunk.net"
- option prefix "104.61"
+ option mesh_network ""
+ option splash_network ""
+ option splash_prefix "27"
config community halle
option name "Freifunk Halle"
option homepage http://halle.freifunk.net
option ssid "halle.freifunk.net"
- option prefix "104.62"
+ option mesh_network ""
+ option splash_network ""
+ option splash_prefix "27"
config community l59
option name "Freifunk L59"
option homepage http://freifunk.net
option ssid "start.freifunk.net"
- option prefix "104.59"
+ option mesh_network ""
+ option splash_network ""
+ option splash_prefix "27"
config community berlin
option name "Freifunk Berlin"
option homepage http://berlin.freifunk.net
option ssid "olsr.freifunk.net"
- option prefix "104"
+ option mesh_network ""
+ option splash_network ""
+ option splash_prefix "27"
option external freifunk_berlin
config community potsdam
option name "Freifunk Potsdam"
option homepage http://potsdam.freifunk.net
option ssid "www.freifunk-potsdam.de"
- option prefix "10.22"
+ option mesh_network ""
+ option splash_network ""
+ option splash_prefix "27"
option external freifunk_potsdam
config community hannover
option name "Freifunk Hannover"
option homepage http://hannover.freifunk.net
option ssid "hannover.freifunk.net"
- option prefix "10.2"
+ option mesh_network ""
+ option splash_network ""
+ option splash_prefix "27"
option external freifunk_hannover
config community augsburg
option name "Freifunk Augsburg"
option homepage http://augsburg.freifunk.net
option ssid "augsburg.freifunk.net"
- option prefix "191.161"
+ option mesh_network ""
+ option splash_network ""
+ option splash_prefix "27"
option external freifunk_augsburg
config 'community' 'jena'
option 'name' 'Freifunk Jena'
option 'homepage' 'http://www.freifunk-jena.de'
option 'ssid' 'jena.freifunk.net'
- option 'prefix' '10.127'
+ option mesh_network ""
+ option splash_network ""
+ option splash_prefix "27"
# option 'external' 'freifunk_jena'