22 May 2014: babeld-1.5.0
* Added support for an RTT-based metric -- see the description of
"enable-timestamps" in the manual page. This work was done by
Baptiste Jonglez with help from Matthieu Boutier.
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
# packet loss is expected. The default is four times the hello
# interval.
## option 'update_interval' '16'
+ # Options to enable and configure RTT-based metric
+ ## option 'enable_timestamps' 'false'
+ ## option 'max_rtt_penalty' '0'
+ ## option 'rtt_decay' '42'
+ ## option 'rtt_min' '10'
+ ## option 'rtt_max' '120'
config interface lan
option 'ignore' 'true'
append_parm "$cfg" 'rxcost' 'rxcost'
append_parm "$cfg" 'hello_interval' 'hello-interval'
append_parm "$cfg" 'update_interval' 'update-interval'
+ append_bool "$cfg" 'enable_timestamps' 'enable-timestamps'
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'max_rtt_penalty' 'max-rtt-penalty'
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'rtt_decay' 'rtt-decay'
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'rtt_min' 'rtt-min'
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'rtt_max' 'rtt-max'
append args ' ' "'"