local wa = require "luci.tools.webadmin"
local net = require "luci.model.network".init()
-local ifaces = net:get_interfaces()
+local sys = require "luci.sys"
+local ifaces = sys.net:devices()
m = Map("bcp38", translate("BCP38"),
translate("This function blocks packets with private address destinations " ..
n = s:option(ListValue, "interface", translate("Interface name"), translate("Interface to apply the blocking to " ..
"(should be the upstream WAN interface)."))
for _, iface in ipairs(ifaces) do
- if iface:is_up() then
- n:value(iface:name())
- end
+ if not (iface == "lo" or iface:match("^ifb.*")) then
+ local nets = net:get_interface(iface)
+ nets = nets and nets:get_networks() or {}
+ for k, v in pairs(nets) do
+ nets[k] = nets[k].sid
+ end
+ nets = table.concat(nets, ",")
+ n:value(iface, ((#nets > 0) and "%s (%s)" % {iface, nets} or iface))
+ end
n.rmempty = false