r8192s_usb-objs := \
tmpU1b = read_nic_byte_E(dev, 0x5C);
write_nic_byte_E(dev, 0x5C, tmpU1b|BIT7);
- //
- // Revise USB PHY to solve the issue of Rx payload error, Rivesed by Roger, 2008-04-10
- // Suggest by SD1 Alex.
- //
- // <Roger_Notes> The following operation are ONLY for USB PHY test chip.
- // 2008.10.07.
- //
- write_nic_byte(dev, 0x41,0xf4);
- write_nic_byte(dev, 0x40,0x00);
- write_nic_byte(dev, 0x42,0x00);
- write_nic_byte(dev, 0x42,0x01);
- write_nic_byte(dev, 0x40,0x0f);
- write_nic_byte(dev, 0x42,0x00);
- write_nic_byte(dev, 0x42,0x01);
#if 0 //LZM 090219
// Suggested by SD1 Alex, 2008-06-14.