--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2017 OpenWrt.org
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+PKG_MAINTAINER:=Roger Dammit <rogerdammit@gmail.com>
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/cmake.mk
+define Package/v4l2rtspserver
+ SECTION:=multimedia
+ CATEGORY:=Multimedia
+ TITLE:=v4l2rtspserver
+ DEPENDS:=+libstdcpp
+ URL:=https://github.com/mpromonet/v4l2rtspserver
+define Package/v4l2rtspserver/description
+ RTSP server for v4L2 video sources
+define Package/v4l2rtspserver/conffiles
+ /etc/config/v4l2rtspserver
+define Download/live555
+ URL:=https://download.videolan.org/pub/contrib/live555/
+define Build/Prepare
+ $(Build/Prepare/Default)
+ ## need to compile some dependencies so that cmake will find them
+ # build live555
+ $(eval $(call Download,live555))
+ mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/live555
+ $(TAR) -xf $(DL_DIR)/$(LIVE555_FILE) --strip=1 -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/live555
+ $(CP) files/config.openwrt $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/live555
+ ( cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/live555; ./genMakefiles openwrt )
+ $(MAKE) $(MAKE_FLAGS) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/live555
+ $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/live555 PREFIX="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/" install
+ # build v4l2wrapper
+ $(MAKE) $(MAKE_FLAGS) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/v4l2wrapper CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS) -I $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/v4l2wrapper/inc"
+ $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/v4l2wrapper/libv4l2wrapper.a $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
+ # patch cmake file
+ $(SED) 's/DEBUG/RELEASE/' $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/CMakeLists.txt
+define Package/v4l2rtspserver/install
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/bin/v4l2rtspserver-$(PKG_VERSION) $(1)/usr/bin/
+ mv $(1)/usr/bin/v4l2rtspserver-$(PKG_VERSION) $(1)/usr/bin/v4l2rtspserver
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) files/v4l2rtspserver.init $(1)/etc/init.d/v4l2rtspserver
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
+ $(INSTALL_CONF) files/v4l2rtspserver.config $(1)/etc/config/v4l2rtspserver
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,v4l2rtspserver))
--- /dev/null
+C = c
+CPP = cpp
+CPLUSPLUS_COMPILER = $(AS) # optimizations are only in AR apparently, so use instead of CXX
+CPLUSPLUS_FLAGS += $(CPPFLAGS) -fexceptions
+OBJ = o
+LINK = $(CXX) -o
+EXE =
--- /dev/null
+config v4l2rtspserver 'core'
+ option enabled '0'
+ option device '/dev/video0'
+ option port '554'
+ option resolution '640x480'
+ option fps '15'
+ option path 'stream'
+ option username 'openwrt'
+ option password 'openwrt'
+ option format 'h264'
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# Copyright (C) 2017 OpenWrt.org
+# TODO:
+# * support start multiple streams with one server
+# * support multiple usernames
+# * support HLS, etc.
+error() {
+ logger -t "$SERVICE" "$@"
+start_instance() {
+ local s="$1"
+ config_get_bool enabled "$1" 'enabled' 0
+ [ $enabled -eq 0 ] && return
+ # validate device
+ config_get device "$s" 'device'
+ if [ ! -c "$device" ]; then
+ error "device '$device' does not exist"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # get options
+ config_get port "$s" 'port'
+ config_get resolution "$s" 'resolution'
+ config_get fps "$s" 'fps'
+ config_get username "$s" 'username'
+ config_get password "$s" 'password'
+ config_get path "$s" 'path'
+ config_get format "$s" 'format'
+ # pull out resolution width and height from string
+ local w="$(echo $resolution | cut -d'x' -f1)"
+ local h="$(echo $resolution | cut -d'x' -f2)"
+ # make sure format is uppercase
+ format="$(echo $format | tr a-z A-Z)"
+ # build args
+ local args="-s"
+ args="$args -P $port"
+ args="$args -u ${path}"
+ args="$args -F $fps"
+ args="$args -W $w"
+ args="$args -H $h"
+ args="$args -f$format"
+ args="$args -c" # fixes issue with corrupt frames with H264
+ if [ -n "$username" ]; then
+ args="$args -U ${username}:${password}"
+ fi
+ cmd="$PROG $args $device"
+ # procd stuff
+ procd_open_instance
+ procd_set_param file /etc/config/$SERVICE
+ procd_set_param command $cmd
+ procd_set_param stdout 1
+ procd_set_param stderr 1
+ procd_add_mdns "rtsp" "tcp" "$port" "daemon=$SERVICE" "path=/$path"
+ procd_close_instance
+start_service() {
+ config_load "$SERVICE"
+ config_foreach start_instance "$SERVICE"
+service_triggers() {
+ procd_add_reload_trigger "$SERVICE"