- /* Disable cd_pwr_save (u_force_rst_core_en=0, u_cd_rst_core_en=0)
- 0xFE5B
- bit[1] u_cd_rst_core_en rst_value = 0
- bit[2] u_force_rst_core_en rst_value = 0
- bit[5] u_mac_phy_rst_n_dbg rst_value = 1
- bit[4] u_non_sticky_rst_n_dbg rst_value = 0
- */
+ /*
+ * Disable cd_pwr_save (u_force_rst_core_en=0, u_cd_rst_core_en=0)
+ * 0xFE5B
+ * bit[1] u_cd_rst_core_en rst_value = 0
+ * bit[2] u_force_rst_core_en rst_value = 0
+ * bit[5] u_mac_phy_rst_n_dbg rst_value = 1
+ * bit[4] u_non_sticky_rst_n_dbg rst_value = 0
+ */
retval = rtsx_write_register(chip, CHANGE_LINK_STATE, 0x16, 0x10);
if (retval) {
clear_bit(SD_NR, &chip->need_reset);
} else {
- /* If multi-luns, it's possible that
- when plugging/unplugging one card
- there is another card which still
- exists in the slot. In this case,
- all existed cards should be reset.
- */
+ /*
+ * If multi-luns, it's possible that
+ * when plugging/unplugging one card
+ * there is another card which still
+ * exists in the slot. In this case,
+ * all existed cards should be reset.
+ */
if (exit_ss && (status & SD_EXIST))
set_bit(SD_NR, &chip->need_reinit);