unsigned int ui_AiNbrofChannels; /* how many channels is measured */
unsigned int ui_AiChannelList[32]; /* actual chanlist */
unsigned int ui_AiReadData[32];
- unsigned int ui_AiDataLength;
unsigned int ui_AiNbrofScans; /* number of scans to do */
unsigned short us_UseDma; /* To use Dma or not */
unsigned char b_DmaDoubleBuffer; /* we can use double buffering */
dmalen1 = 4;
} else { /* isn't output buff smaller that our DMA buff? */
- if (dmalen0 > (devpriv->ui_AiDataLength))
- dmalen0 = devpriv->ui_AiDataLength;
- if (dmalen1 > (devpriv->ui_AiDataLength))
- dmalen1 = devpriv->ui_AiDataLength;
+ if (dmalen0 > s->async->prealloc_bufsz)
+ dmalen0 = s->async->prealloc_bufsz;
+ if (dmalen1 > s->async->prealloc_bufsz)
+ dmalen1 = s->async->prealloc_bufsz;
devpriv->ui_DmaBufferUsesize[0] = dmalen0;
devpriv->ui_DmaBufferUsesize[1] = dmalen1;
/* loading private structure with cmd structure inputs */
devpriv->ui_AiNbrofChannels = cmd->chanlist_len;
- /* UPDATE-0.7.57->0.7.68devpriv->ui_AiDataLength=s->async->data_len; */
- devpriv->ui_AiDataLength = s->async->prealloc_bufsz;
if (cmd->stop_src == TRIG_COUNT)
devpriv->ui_AiNbrofScans = cmd->stop_arg;