--- /dev/null
+ title: L.tr('Routes'),
+ description: L.tr('Routes specify over which interface and gateway a certain host or network can be reached.'),
+ execute: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ return L.network.listNetworkNames().then(function(list) {
+ var m = new L.cbi.Map('network', {
+ readonly: !self.options.acls.network
+ });
+ var s4 = m.section(L.cbi.TableSection, 'route', {
+ caption: L.tr('Static IPv4 Routes'),
+ anonymous: true,
+ addremove: true,
+ add_caption: L.tr('Add new route'),
+ remove_caption: L.tr('Remove route')
+ });
+ var ifc = s4.option(L.cbi.ListValue, 'interface', {
+ caption: L.tr('Interface')
+ });
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
+ ifc.value(list[i]);
+ s4.option(L.cbi.InputValue, 'target', {
+ caption: L.tr('Target'),
+ datatype: 'ip4addr'
+ });
+ s4.option(L.cbi.InputValue, 'netmask', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv4-Netmask'),
+ datatype: 'ip4addr',
+ placeholder: '',
+ optional: true
+ });
+ s4.option(L.cbi.InputValue, 'gateway', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv4-Gateway'),
+ datatype: 'ip4addr',
+ optional: true
+ });
+ s4.option(L.cbi.InputValue, 'metric', {
+ caption: L.tr('Metric'),
+ datatype: 'range(0,255)',
+ placeholder: 0,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ s4.option(L.cbi.InputValue, 'mtu', {
+ caption: L.tr('MTU'),
+ datatype: 'range(64,9000)',
+ placeholder: 1500,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ var s6 = m.section(L.cbi.TableSection, 'route6', {
+ caption: L.tr('Static IPv6 Routes'),
+ anonymous: true,
+ addremove: true,
+ add_caption: L.tr('Add new route'),
+ remove_caption: L.tr('Remove route')
+ });
+ var ifc = s6.option(L.cbi.ListValue, 'interface', {
+ caption: L.tr('Interface')
+ });
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
+ ifc.value(list[i]);
+ s6.option(L.cbi.InputValue, 'target', {
+ caption: L.tr('Target'),
+ datatype: 'ip6addr'
+ });
+ s6.option(L.cbi.InputValue, 'gateway', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv6-Gateway'),
+ datatype: 'ip6addr',
+ optional: true
+ });
+ s6.option(L.cbi.InputValue, 'metric', {
+ caption: L.tr('Metric'),
+ datatype: 'range(0,255)',
+ placeholder: 0,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ s6.option(L.cbi.InputValue, 'mtu', {
+ caption: L.tr('MTU'),
+ datatype: 'range(64,9000)',
+ placeholder: 1500,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ m.insertInto('#map');
+ });
+ }