uci set network.${netrenamed}dhcp.interface="$netrenamed"
-uci batch << EOF
-set network.${netrenamed}dhcp.proto=static
-set network.${netrenamed}dhcp.ipaddr="$START"
-set network.${netrenamed}dhcp.netmask="$NETMASK"
-uci_commitverbose "Setup interface for ${netrenamed}dhcp" network
+ uci batch << EOF
+ set network.${netrenamed}dhcp.proto=static
+ set network.${netrenamed}dhcp.ipaddr="$START"
+ set network.${netrenamed}dhcp.netmask="$NETMASK"
+ uci_commitverbose "Setup interface for ${netrenamed}dhcp" network
--- /dev/null
+# Setup static interface settings for wan if wan is not an olsr interface
+[ ! "$(uci -q get network.wan)" == "interface" ] && exit
+. /etc/functions.sh
+. $dir/functions.sh
+uci batch << EOF
+set network.wan.proto='$wan_proto'
+set network.wan.ipaddr='$wan_ip4addr'
+set network.wan.netmask='$wan_netmask'
+set network.wan.gateway='$wan_gateway'
+set network.wan.dns='$wan_dns'
+uci_commitverbose "Setup static ip settings for wan" network
+uci delete meshwizard.wan && uci commit meshwizard
+# Firewall rules to allow incoming ssh and web
+if [ "$wan_allowssh" == 1 ]; then
+ uci batch << EOF
+set firewall.wanssh=rule
+set firewall.wanssh.src=wan
+set firewall.wanssh.target=ACCEPT
+set firewall.wanssh.proto=tcp
+set firewall.wanssh.dest_port=22
+ uci_commitverbose "Allow incoming connections to port 22 (ssh) on wan" firewall
+if [ "$wan_allowweb" == 1 ]; then
+ uci batch << EOF
+set firewall.wanweb=rule
+set firewall.wanweb.src=wan
+set firewall.wanweb.target=ACCEPT
+set firewall.wanweb.proto=tcp
+set firewall.wanweb.dest_port=80
+set firewall.wanwebhttps=rule
+set firewall.wanwebhttps.src=wan
+set firewall.wanwebhttps.target=ACCEPT
+set firewall.wanwebhttps.proto=tcp
+set firewall.wanwebhttps.dest_port=443
+ uci_commitverbose "Allow incoming connections to port 80 and 443 (http and https) on wan" firewall
. /etc/functions.sh
echo "
-/* Meshwizard 0.0.5 */
+/* Meshwizard 0.0.4 */
# config
community=$(uci -q get meshwizard.community.name || uci -q get freifunk.community.name)
[ -z "$community" ] && echo "Error: Community is not set in /etc/config/freifunk, aborting now." && exit 1
export community="$community"
+echo $community
# Get a list of networks we need to setup
networks=$(uci show meshwizard.netconfig | grep -v "netconfig=" | sed -e 's/meshwizard.netconfig\.\(.*\)\_.*/\1/' |sort|uniq)
+if [ "$wan_proto" == "static" ] && [ -n "$wan_ip4addr" ] && [ -n "$wan_netmask" ]; then
+ $dir/helpers/setup_wan_static.sh
# Configure found networks
for net in $networks; do
# radioX devices need to be renamed
##### Reboot the router (because simply restarting services gave errors)