}) == 0)
+ },
+ getBlockDevices = {
+ call = function()
+ local fs = require "nixio.fs"
+ local block = io.popen("/sbin/block info", "r")
+ if block then
+ local rv = {}
+ while true do
+ local ln = block:read("*l")
+ if not ln then
+ break
+ end
+ local dev = ln:match("^/dev/(.-):")
+ if dev then
+ local s = tonumber((fs.readfile("/sys/class/block/" .. dev .."/size")))
+ local e = {
+ dev = "/dev/" .. dev,
+ size = s and s * 512
+ }
+ local key, val = { }
+ for key, val in ln:gmatch([[(%w+)="(.-)"]]) do
+ e[key:lower()] = val
+ end
+ rv[dev] = e
+ end
+ end
+ block:close()
+ return rv
+ else
+ return { error = "Unable to execute block utility" }
+ end
+ end
+ },
+ setBlockDetect = {
+ call = function()
+ return { result = (os.execute("/sbin/block detect > /etc/config/fstab") == 0) }
+ end
+ },
+ getMountPoints = {
+ call = function()
+ local fs = require "nixio.fs"
+ local fd, err = io.open("/proc/mounts", "r")
+ if fd then
+ local rv = {}
+ while true do
+ local ln = fd:read("*l")
+ if not ln then
+ break
+ end
+ local device, mount, fstype, options, freq, pass = ln:match("^(%S*) (%S*) (%S*) (%S*) (%d+) (%d+)$")
+ if device and mount then
+ device = device:gsub("\\(%d+)", function(n) return string.char(tonumber(n, 8)) end)
+ mount = mount:gsub("\\(%d+)", function(n) return string.char(tonumber(n, 8)) end)
+ local stat = fs.statvfs(mount)
+ if stat and stat.blocks > 0 then
+ rv[#rv+1] = {
+ device = device,
+ mount = mount,
+ size = stat.bsize * stat.blocks,
+ avail = stat.bsize * stat.bavail,
+ free = stat.bsize * stat.bfree
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ fd:close()
+ return { result = rv }
+ else
+ return { error = err }
+ end
+ end
+ },
+ setUmount = {
+ args = { path = "/mnt" },
+ call = function(args)
+ local util = require "luci.util"
+ return { result = (os.execute(string.format("/bin/umount %s", util.shellquote(args.path))) == 0) }
+ end