/sbin/insmod $module 2>&- >&-
+ # make sure the network state references the correct ifname
+ scan_ppp "$config"
+ config_get ifname "$config" ifname
+ uci set "/var/state/network.$config.ifname=$ifname"
config_get mtu "$cfg" mtu
start_pppd "$config" \
setup_interface_pptp() {
- local iface="$1"
local config="$2"
+ local ifname
config_get device "$config" device
config_get ipproto "$config" ipproto
for module in slhc ppp_generic ppp_async ip_gre; do
/sbin/insmod $module 2>&- >&-
- setup_interface "$iface" "$config" "${ipproto:-dhcp}"
+ sleep 1
+ setup_interface "$device" "$config" "${ipproto:-dhcp}"
+ # fix up the netmask
+ config_get netmask "$config" netmask
+ [ -z "$netmask" -o -z "$device" ] || ifconfig $device netmask $netmask
+ # make sure the network state references the correct ifname
+ scan_ppp "$config"
+ config_get ifname "$config" ifname
+ uci set "/var/state/network.$config.ifname=$ifname"
config_get mtu "$cfg" mtu
config_get server "$cfg" server