The newly added $(COMMITCOUNT) variable was wrongly increased by plus
one. The addition should have been only added to $(AUTORELEASE) as
OpenWrt traditionally starts counting at one rather than zero.
$(AUTORELEASE) counts the commits since the last bump, which is zero on
the version bump commit itself.
This commit increases $(AUTORELEASE) by one while leaving $(COMMITCOUNT)
as is.
The base-files package is the only package using $(COMMITCOUNT) so far
and requires a pseudo commit to keep the PKG_RELEASE correct. A non
functional change (Copyright bump) is done in the next commit.
Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <>
if [ -n "$$last_bump" ]; then \
echo -n $$(($$(git rev-list --count "$$last_bump..HEAD" .) + 1)); \
else \
- echo -n $$(($$(git rev-list --count HEAD .) + 1)); \
+ git rev-list --count HEAD .; \
fi; \
else \
secs="$$(($(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH) % 86400))"; \