capability set. When open() is called, the HPD pin can be read and
if the HPD is high, then an initial event will be generated for that
+ * .. _`CEC-EVENT-PIN-5V-LOW`:
+ - 6
+ - Generated if the 5V pin goes from a high voltage to a low voltage.
+ Only applies to adapters that have the ``CEC_CAP_MONITOR_PIN``
+ capability set. When open() is called, the 5V pin can be read and
+ if the 5V is low, then an initial event will be generated for that
+ filehandle.
+ * .. _`CEC-EVENT-PIN-5V-HIGH`:
+ - 7
+ - Generated if the 5V pin goes from a low voltage to a high voltage.
+ Only applies to adapters that have the ``CEC_CAP_MONITOR_PIN``
+ capability set. When open() is called, the 5V pin can be read and
+ if the 5V is high, then an initial event will be generated for that
+ filehandle.
.. tabularcolumns:: |p{6.0cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{10.9cm}|