| greensnow | suspicious server IPs | x | x | | | [Link](https://greensnow.co) |
| iblockads | Advertising IPs | | | x | tcp: 80, 443 | [Link](https://www.iblocklist.com) |
| iblockspy | Malicious spyware IPs | | | x | tcp: 80, 443 | [Link](https://www.iblocklist.com) |
+| ipblackhole | blackhole IPs | x | x | | | [Link](https://github.com/BlackHoleMonster/IP-BlackHole) |
| ipsum | malicious IPs | x | x | | | [Link](https://github.com/stamparm/ipsum) |
| ipthreat | hacker and botnet TPs | x | x | | | [Link](https://ipthreat.net) |
| myip | real-time IP blocklist | x | x | | | [Link](https://myip.ms) |
local report_jsn report_txt tmp_val ruleset_raw item table_sets set_cnt set_input set_forwardwan set_forwardlan set_cntinput set_cntforwardwan set_cntforwardlan set_proto set_dport set_details
local expr detail jsnval timestamp autoadd_allow autoadd_block sum_sets sum_setinput sum_setforwardwan sum_setforwardlan sum_setelements sum_cntinput sum_cntforwardwan sum_cntforwardlan
local sum_synflood sum_udpflood sum_icmpflood sum_ctinvalid sum_tcpinvalid output="${1}"
[ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && f_conf
f_mkdir "${ban_reportdir}"
[ -n "${ban_mailreceiver}" ] && [ -x "${ban_mailcmd}" ] && f_mail
- rm -f "${report_txt}"
+ : >"${report_txt}"
# Set search
log_raw="$(eval ${loglimit_cmd})"
log_count="$(printf "%s\n" "${log_raw}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -c "suspicious IP '${ip}'")"
if [ "${log_count}" -ge "${ban_logcount}" ]; then
+ if "${ban_nftcmd}" add element inet banIP "blocklist${proto}" { ${ip} ${nft_expiry} } >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ f_log "info" "add IP '${ip}' (expiry: ${ban_nftexpiry:-"-"}) to blocklist${proto} set"
+ fi
if [ "${ban_autoblocksubnet}" = "1" ]; then
rdap_log="$("${ban_fetchcmd}" ${ban_rdapparm} "${ban_rdapfile}" "${ban_rdapurl}${ip}" 2>&1)"
f_log "info" "rdap request failed (rc: ${rdap_rc:-"-"}/log: ${rdap_log})"
- if [ "${ban_autoblocksubnet}" = "0" ] || [ "${rdap_rc}" != "0" ] || [ ! -s "${ban_rdapfile}" ] || [ -z "${rdap_prefix}" ] || [ -z "${rdap_length}" ]; then
- if "${ban_nftcmd}" add element inet banIP "blocklist${proto}" { ${ip} ${nft_expiry} } >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- f_log "info" "add IP '${ip}' (expiry: ${ban_nftexpiry:-"-"}) to blocklist${proto} set"
- fi
- fi
if [ -z "${ban_nftexpiry}" ] && [ "${ban_autoblocklist}" = "1" ] && ! "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "^${ip}" "${ban_blocklist}"; then
printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "# added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_blocklist}"
f_log "info" "add IP '${ip}' to local blocklist"
"descr": "malicious spyware IPs",
"flag": "gz tcp 80 443"
+ "ipblackhole":{
+ "url_4": "https://blackhole.s-e-r-v-e-r.pw/blackhole-today",
+ "rule_4": "/^(([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)$/{printf \"%s,\\n\",$1}",
+ "descr": "blackhole IP blocklist"
+ },
"url_4": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stamparm/ipsum/master/levels/3.txt",
"rule_4": "/^(([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)[-[:space:]]?/{printf \"%s,\\n\",$1}",