s.tab('general', _('General'));
+ s.tab('cache', _('Cache'));
s.tab('devices', _('Devices & Ports'));
s.tab('dnsrecords', _('DNS Records'));
s.tab('dnssecopt', _('DNSSEC'));
s.tab('relay', _('Relay'));
s.tab('pxe_tftp', _('PXE/TFTP'));
+ o = s.taboption('cache', form.MultiValue, 'cache_rr',
+ _('Cache arbitrary RR'), _('By default, dnsmasq caches A, AAAA, CNAME and SRV DNS record types.') + '<br/>' +
+ _('This option adds additional record types to the cache.'));
+ o.optional = true;
+ o.create = true;
+ o.multiple = true;
+ o.display_size = 5;
+ recordtypes.forEach(r => {
+ o.value(r);
+ });
s.taboption('filteropts', form.Flag, 'domainneeded',
_('Domain required'),
_('Never forward DNS queries which lack dots or domain parts.') + '<br />' +