- * @file coreconfigurator.c
- * @brief
- * @author
- * @sa coreconfigurator.h
- * @date 1 Mar 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
#include "coreconfigurator.h"
#include "wilc_wlan_if.h"
#include "wilc_wlan.h"
-/* Basic Frame Type Codes (2-bit) */
enum basic_frame_type {
-/* Frame Type and Subtype Codes (6-bit) */
enum sub_frame_type {
ASSOC_REQ = 0x00,
ASSOC_RSP = 0x10,
-/* Element ID of various Information Elements */
enum info_element_id {
ISSID = 0, /* Service Set Identifier */
ISUPRATES = 1, /* Supported Rates */
-/* This function extracts the beacon period field from the beacon or probe */
-/* response frame. */
static inline u16 get_beacon_period(u8 *data)
u16 bcn_per;
return time_stamp;
-/* This function extracts the 'frame type and sub type' bits from the MAC */
-/* header of the input frame. */
-/* Returns the value in the LSB of the returned value. */
static inline enum sub_frame_type get_sub_type(u8 *header)
return ((enum sub_frame_type)(header[0] & 0xFC));
-/* This function extracts the 'to ds' bit from the MAC header of the input */
-/* frame. */
-/* Returns the value in the LSB of the returned value. */
static inline u8 get_to_ds(u8 *header)
return (header[1] & 0x01);
-/* This function extracts the 'from ds' bit from the MAC header of the input */
-/* frame. */
-/* Returns the value in the LSB of the returned value. */
static inline u8 get_from_ds(u8 *header)
return ((header[1] & 0x02) >> 1);
-/* This function extracts the MAC Address in 'address1' field of the MAC */
-/* header and updates the MAC Address in the allocated 'addr' variable. */
static inline void get_address1(u8 *pu8msa, u8 *addr)
memcpy(addr, pu8msa + 4, 6);
-/* This function extracts the MAC Address in 'address2' field of the MAC */
-/* header and updates the MAC Address in the allocated 'addr' variable. */
static inline void get_address2(u8 *pu8msa, u8 *addr)
memcpy(addr, pu8msa + 10, 6);
-/* This function extracts the MAC Address in 'address3' field of the MAC */
-/* header and updates the MAC Address in the allocated 'addr' variable. */
static inline void get_address3(u8 *pu8msa, u8 *addr)
memcpy(addr, pu8msa + 16, 6);
-/* This function extracts the BSSID from the incoming WLAN packet based on */
-/* the 'from ds' bit, and updates the MAC Address in the allocated 'addr' */
-/* variable. */
static inline void get_BSSID(u8 *data, u8 *bssid)
if (get_from_ds(data) == 1)
get_address3(data, bssid);
-/* This function extracts the SSID from a beacon/probe response frame */
static inline void get_ssid(u8 *data, u8 *ssid, u8 *p_ssid_len)
u8 len = 0;
- /* If the SSID length field is set wrongly to a value greater than the */
- /* allowed maximum SSID length limit, reset the length to 0 */
if (len >= MAX_SSID_LEN)
len = 0;
*p_ssid_len = len;
-/* This function extracts the capability info field from the beacon or probe */
-/* response frame. */
static inline u16 get_cap_info(u8 *data)
u16 cap_info = 0;
st = get_sub_type(data);
- /* Location of the Capability field is different for Beacon and */
- /* Association frames. */
if ((st == BEACON) || (st == PROBE_RSP))
return cap_info;
-/* This function extracts the capability info field from the Association */
-/* response frame. */
static inline u16 get_assoc_resp_cap_info(u8 *data)
u16 cap_info;
return cap_info;
-/* This function extracts the association status code from the incoming */
-/* association response frame and returns association status code */
static inline u16 get_asoc_status(u8 *data)
u16 asoc_status;
return asoc_status;
-/* This function extracts association ID from the incoming association */
-/* response frame */
static inline u16 get_asoc_id(u8 *data)
u16 asoc_id;
u16 u16index;
- /*************************************************************************/
- /* Beacon Frame - Frame Body */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* |Timestamp |BeaconInt |CapInfo |SSID |SupRates |DSParSet |TIM elm | */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* |8 |2 |2 |2-34 |3-10 |3 |4-256 | */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* */
- /*************************************************************************/
u16index = u16TagParamOffset;
- /* Search for the TIM Element Field and return if the element is found */
while (u16index < (u16RxLen - FCS_LEN)) {
if (pu8msa[u16index] == ITIM)
return &pu8msa[u16index];
return NULL;
-/* This function gets the current channel information from
- * the 802.11n beacon/probe response frame */
static u8 get_current_channel_802_11n(u8 *pu8msa, u16 u16RxLen)
u16 index;
while (index < (u16RxLen - FCS_LEN)) {
if (pu8msa[index] == IDSPARMS)
return pu8msa[index + 2];
- /* Increment index by length information and header */
index += pu8msa[index + 1] + IE_HDR_LEN;
- /* Return current channel information from the MIB, if beacon/probe */
- /* response frame does not contain the DS parameter set IE */
- /* return (mget_CurrentChannel() + 1); */
- return 0; /* no MIB here */
+ return 0;
- * @brief parses the received 'N' message
- * @details
- * @param[in] pu8MsgBuffer The message to be parsed
- * @param[out] ppstrNetworkInfo pointer to pointer to the structure containing the parsed Network Info
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author mabubakr
- * @date 1 Mar 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 wilc_parse_network_info(u8 *pu8MsgBuffer, tstrNetworkInfo **ppstrNetworkInfo)
tstrNetworkInfo *pstrNetworkInfo = NULL;
u8MsgType = pu8MsgBuffer[0];
- /* Check whether the received message type is 'N' */
if ('N' != u8MsgType) {
PRINT_ER("Received Message format incorrect.\n");
return -EFAULT;
- /* Extract message ID */
u8MsgID = pu8MsgBuffer[1];
- /* Extract message Length */
u16MsgLen = MAKE_WORD16(pu8MsgBuffer[2], pu8MsgBuffer[3]);
- /* Extract WID ID */
u16WidID = MAKE_WORD16(pu8MsgBuffer[4], pu8MsgBuffer[5]);
- /* Extract WID Length */
u16WidLen = MAKE_WORD16(pu8MsgBuffer[6], pu8MsgBuffer[7]);
- /* Assign a pointer to the WID value */
pu8WidVal = &pu8MsgBuffer[8];
- /* parse the WID value of the WID "WID_NEWORK_INFO" */
u8 *pu8msa = NULL;
u16 u16RxLen = 0;
pstrNetworkInfo->s8rssi = pu8WidVal[0];
- /* Assign a pointer to msa "Mac Header Start Address" */
pu8msa = &pu8WidVal[1];
u16RxLen = u16WidLen - 1;
- /* parse msa*/
- /* Get the cap_info */
pstrNetworkInfo->u16CapInfo = get_cap_info(pu8msa);
- /* Get time-stamp [Low only 32 bit] */
pstrNetworkInfo->u32Tsf = get_beacon_timestamp_lo(pu8msa);
PRINT_D(CORECONFIG_DBG, "TSF :%x\n", pstrNetworkInfo->u32Tsf);
- /* Get full time-stamp [Low and High 64 bit] */
u32Tsf_Lo = get_beacon_timestamp_lo(pu8msa);
u32Tsf_Hi = get_beacon_timestamp_hi(pu8msa);
pstrNetworkInfo->u64Tsf = u32Tsf_Lo | ((u64)u32Tsf_Hi << 32);
- /* Get SSID */
get_ssid(pu8msa, pstrNetworkInfo->au8ssid, &pstrNetworkInfo->u8SsidLen);
- /* Get BSSID */
get_BSSID(pu8msa, pstrNetworkInfo->au8bssid);
- /*
- * Extract current channel information from
- * the beacon/probe response frame
- */
pstrNetworkInfo->u8channel = get_current_channel_802_11n(pu8msa,
u16RxLen + FCS_LEN);
- /* Get beacon period */
pstrNetworkInfo->u16BeaconPeriod = get_beacon_period(pu8msa + u8index);
- /* Get DTIM Period */
pu8TimElm = get_tim_elm(pu8msa, u16RxLen + FCS_LEN, u8index);
if (pu8TimElm)
pstrNetworkInfo->u8DtimPeriod = pu8TimElm[3];
return 0;
- * @brief Deallocates the parsed Network Info
- * @details
- * @param[in] pstrNetworkInfo Network Info to be deallocated
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author mabubakr
- * @date 1 Mar 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 wilc_dealloc_network_info(tstrNetworkInfo *pstrNetworkInfo)
s32 s32Error = 0;
return s32Error;
- * @brief parses the received Association Response frame
- * @details
- * @param[in] pu8Buffer The Association Response frame to be parsed
- * @param[out] ppstrConnectRespInfo pointer to pointer to the structure containing the parsed Association Response Info
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author mabubakr
- * @date 2 Apr 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 wilc_parse_assoc_resp_info(u8 *pu8Buffer, u32 u32BufferLen,
tstrConnectRespInfo **ppstrConnectRespInfo)
if (!pstrConnectRespInfo)
return -ENOMEM;
- /* u16AssocRespLen = pu8Buffer[0]; */
u16AssocRespLen = (u16)u32BufferLen;
- /* get the status code */
pstrConnectRespInfo->u16ConnectStatus = get_asoc_status(pu8Buffer);
if (pstrConnectRespInfo->u16ConnectStatus == SUCCESSFUL_STATUSCODE) {
- /* get the capability */
pstrConnectRespInfo->u16capability = get_assoc_resp_cap_info(pu8Buffer);
- /* get the Association ID */
pstrConnectRespInfo->u16AssocID = get_asoc_id(pu8Buffer);
- /* get the Information Elements */
u16IEsLen = u16AssocRespLen - (CAP_INFO_LEN + STATUS_CODE_LEN + AID_LEN);
return s32Error;
- * @brief Deallocates the parsed Association Response Info
- * @details
- * @param[in] pstrNetworkInfo Network Info to be deallocated
- * @return Error code indicating success/failure
- * @note
- * @author mabubakr
- * @date 2 Apr 2012
- * @version 1.0
- */
s32 wilc_dealloc_assoc_resp_info(tstrConnectRespInfo *pstrConnectRespInfo)
s32 s32Error = 0;