. /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh
IP4="ip -4"
command -v ip6tables > /dev/null
-# return true(=0) if has any mwan3 interface enabled
-# otherwise return false
- local idx=0
- local ret=1
- local tbl=""
- local tid family enabled
+ # helper function to build an update string to pass on to
+ # IPTR or IPS RESTORE. Modifies the 'update' variable in
+ # the local scope.
+ update="$update
- mkdir -p /tmp/mwan3rtmon
- ($IP4 route list table main | grep -v "^default\|linkdown" | sort -n; echo empty fixup) >/tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv4.main
- while uci get mwan3.@interface[$idx] >/dev/null 2>&1 ; do
- tid=$((idx+1))
+ local _tid
+ mwan3_dev_tbl_ipv4=" "
+ mwan3_dev_tbl_ipv6=" "
- family="$(uci -q get mwan3.@interface[$idx].family)"
- [ -z "$family" ] && family="ipv4"
+ update_table()
+ {
+ local family curr_table device enabled
+ let _tid++
+ config_get family "$1" family ipv4
+ network_get_device device "$1"
+ [ -z "$device" ] && return
+ config_get enabled "$1" enabled
+ [ "$enabled" -eq 0 ] && return
+ curr_table=$(eval "echo \"\$mwan3_dev_tbl_${family}\"")
+ export "mwan3_dev_tbl_$family=${curr_table}${device}=$_tid "
+ }
+ network_flush_cache
+ config_foreach update_table interface
- enabled="$(uci -q get mwan3.@interface[$idx].enabled)"
- [ -z "$enabled" ] && enabled="0"
+ local _tid section family cfgtype curr_table _mwan3_iface_tbl
+ mwan3_iface_tbl=" "
+ update_table()
+ {
+ let _tid++
+ export mwan3_iface_tbl="${mwan3_iface_tbl}${1}=$_tid "
+ }
+ config_foreach update_table interface
- [ "$family" = "ipv4" ] && {
- tbl=$($IP4 route list table $tid 2>/dev/null)
- if echo "$tbl" | grep -q ^default; then
- (echo "$tbl" | grep -v "^default\|linkdown" | sort -n; echo empty fixup) >/tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv4.$tid
- cat /tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv4.$tid | grep -v -x -F -f /tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv4.main | while read line; do
- $IP4 route del table $tid $line
- done
- cat /tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv4.main | grep -v -x -F -f /tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv4.$tid | while read line; do
- $IP4 route add table $tid $line
- done
- fi
- }
- if [ "$enabled" = "1" ]; then
- ret=0
- fi
- idx=$((idx+1))
- done
- rm -f /tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv4.*
- return $ret
+ local family V
+ _true_iface=$2
+ config_get family "$iface" family ipv4
+ if [ "$family" = "ipv4" ]; then
+ V=4
+ elif [ "$family" = "ipv6" ]; then
+ V=6
+ fi
+ ubus call "network.interface.${iface}_${V}" status &>/dev/null && _true_iface="${iface}_${V}"
+ export "$1=$_true_iface"
-# return true(=0) if has any mwan3 interface enabled
-# otherwise return false
- local idx=0
- local ret=1
- local tbl=""
- local tid family enabled
- mkdir -p /tmp/mwan3rtmon
- ($IP6 route list table main | grep -v "^default\|^::/0\|^fe80::/64\|^unreachable" | sort -n; echo empty fixup) >/tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv6.main
- while uci get mwan3.@interface[$idx] >/dev/null 2>&1 ; do
- tid=$((idx+1))
- family="$(uci -q get mwan3.@interface[$idx].family)"
- # Set default family to ipv4 that is no mistake
- [ -z "$family" ] && family="ipv4"
- enabled="$(uci -q get mwan3.@interface[$idx].enabled)"
- [ -z "$enabled" ] && enabled="0"
- [ "$family" = "ipv6" ] && {
- tbl=$($IP6 route list table $tid 2>/dev/null)
- if echo "$tbl" | grep -q "^default\|^::/0"; then
- (echo "$tbl" | grep -v "^default\|^::/0\|^unreachable" | sort -n; echo empty fixup) >/tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv6.$tid
- cat /tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv6.$tid | grep -v -x -F -f /tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv6.main | while read line; do
- $IP6 route del table $tid $line
- done
- cat /tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv6.main | grep -v -x -F -f /tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv6.$tid | while read line; do
- $IP6 route add table $tid $line
- done
- fi
- }
- if [ "$enabled" = "1" ]; then
- ret=0
+ # must have mwan3 config already loaded
+ # arg 1 is route device
+ local _tid route_line route_device route_family entry curr_table
+ route_line=$2
+ route_family=$3
+ route_device=$(echo "$route_line" | sed -ne "s/.*dev \([^ ]*\).*/\1/p")
+ unset "$1"
+ [ -z "$route_device" ] && return
+ curr_table=$(eval "echo \"\$mwan3_dev_tbl_${route_family}\"")
+ for entry in $curr_table; do
+ if [ "${entry%%=*}" = "$route_device" ]; then
+ _tid=${entry##*=}
+ export "$1=$_tid"
+ return
- idx=$((idx+1))
- rm -f /tmp/mwan3rtmon/ipv6.*
- return $ret
# counts how many bits are set to 1
- local _tmp _iface _iface_count
- _iface="$2"
- mwan3_get_id()
- {
- let _iface_count++
- [ "$1" = "$_iface" ] && _tmp=$_iface_count
- }
- config_foreach mwan3_get_id interface
+ local _tmp
+ [ -z "$mwan3_iface_tbl" ] && mwan3_update_iface_to_table
+ _tmp="${mwan3_iface_tbl##* ${2}=}"
+ _tmp=${_tmp%% *}
export "$1=$_tmp"
$IPS -! create mwan3_source_v6 hash:net family inet6
$IPS create mwan3_source_v6_temp hash:net family inet6
- for source_network_v6 in $($IP6 addr ls | sed -ne 's/ *inet6 \([^ \/]*\).* scope global.*/\1/p'); do
+ for source_network_v6 in $($IP6 addr ls | sed -ne 's/ *inet6 \([^ \/]*\).* scope global.*/\1/p'); do
$IPS -! add mwan3_source_v6_temp "$source_network_v6"
$IPS swap mwan3_source_v6_temp mwan3_source_v6
- local id via metric V V_ IP
+ local id via metric V V_ IP family
+ local iface device cmd true_iface
- config_get family "$1" family ipv4
- mwan3_get_iface_id id "$1"
+ iface=$1
+ device=$2
+ config_get family "$iface" family ipv4
+ mwan3_get_iface_id id "$iface"
[ -n "$id" ] || return 0
+ mwan3_get_true_iface true_iface $iface
if [ "$family" = "ipv4" ]; then
- V=4
elif [ "$family" = "ipv6" ]; then
- V=6
- else
- return
- if ubus call network.interface.${1}_${V} status &>/dev/null; then
- network_get_gateway${V_} via "${1}_${V}"
- else
- network_get_gateway${V_} via "$1"
- fi
+ network_get_gateway${V_} via "$true_iface"
- ( [ -z "$via" ] || [ "$via" = "" ] || [ "$via" = "::" ] ) && unset via
+ { [ -z "$via" ] || [ "$via" = "" ] || [ "$via" = "::" ] ; } && unset via
- network_get_metric metric "$1"
+ network_get_metric metric "$true_iface"
$IP route flush table "$id"
- $IP route add table "$id" default \
+ cmd="$IP route add table $id default \
${via:+via} $via \
${metric:+metric} $metric \
- dev "$2"
- mwan3_rtmon_ipv${V}
+ dev $2"
+ $cmd || LOG warn "ip cmd failed $cmd"
+ local tid route_line family IP id
+ config_get family "$1" family ipv4
+ mwan3_get_iface_id id "$1"
+ [ -n "$id" ] || return 0
+ if [ "$family" = "ipv4" ]; then
+ IP="$IP4"
+ elif [ "$family" = "ipv6" ]; then
+ IP="$IP6"
+ fi
+ mwan3_update_dev_to_table
+ $IP route list table main | grep -v "^default\|linkdown\|^::/0\|^fe80::/64\|^unreachable" | while read route_line; do
+ mwan3_route_line_dev "tid" "$route_line" "$family"
+ if [ -z "$tid" ] || [ "$tid" = "$id" ]; then
+ $IP route add table $id $route_line ||
+ LOG warn "failed to add $route_line to table $id"
+ fi
+ done
+ local tid IP route_line ipv family active_tbls tid
+ add_active_tbls()
+ {
+ let tid++
+ config_get family "$1" family ipv4
+ [ "$family" != "$ipv" ] && return
+ $IP route list table $tid 2>/dev/null | grep -q "^default\|^::/0" && {
+ active_tbls="$active_tbls${tid} "
+ }
+ }
+ add_route()
+ {
+ let tid++
+ config_get family "$section" family ipv4
+ [ -n "${active_tbls##* $tid *}" ] && return
+ $IP route add table $tid $route_line ||
+ LOG warn "failed to add $route_line to table $tid"
+ }
+ mwan3_update_dev_to_table
+ for ipv in ipv4 ipv6; do
+ [ "$ipv" = "ipv6" ] && [ $NO_IPV6 -ne 0 ] && continue
+ if [ "$ipv" = "ipv4" ]; then
+ IP="$IP4"
+ elif [ "$ipv" = "ipv6" ]; then
+ IP="$IP6"
+ fi
+ tid=0
+ active_tbls=" "
+ config_foreach add_active_tbls interface
+ $IP route list table main | grep -v "^default\|linkdown\|^::/0\|^fe80::/64\|^unreachable" | while read route_line; do
+ mwan3_route_line_dev "tid" "$route_line" "$ipv"
+ if [ -n "$tid" ]; then
+ $IP route add table $tid $route_line
+ else
+ config_foreach add_route interface
+ fi
+ done
+ done
local id
- pid="$(pgrep -f mwan3rtmon)"
- if [ "${pid}" != "" ]; then
- kill -USR1 "${pid}"
- else
- [ -x /usr/sbin/mwan3rtmon ] && /usr/sbin/mwan3rtmon &
- fi
+ local protocol
+ for protocol in "ipv4" "ipv6"; do
+ pid="$(pgrep -f "mwan3rtmon $protocol")"
+ [ "$protocol" = "ipv6" ] && [ $NO_IPV6 -ne 0 ] && continue
+ if [ "${pid}" = "" ]; then
+ [ -x /usr/sbin/mwan3rtmon ] && /usr/sbin/mwan3rtmon $protocol &
+ fi
+ done
config_list_foreach "$1" track_ip mwan3_list_track_ips
- for pid in $(pgrep -f "mwan3track $1 $2"); do
- kill -TERM "$pid" > /dev/null 2>&1
- done
+ kill -TERM $(pgrep -f "mwan3track $1 $2") > /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 1
- for pid in $(pgrep -f "mwan3track $1 $2"); do
- kill -KILL "$pid" > /dev/null 2>&1
- done
+ kill -KILL $(pgrep -f "mwan3track $1 $2") > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ -n "$track_ips" ]; then
[ -x /usr/sbin/mwan3track ] && /usr/sbin/mwan3track "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" $track_ips &
elif [ "$metric" -eq "$lowest_metric_v4" ]; then
- total_weight_v4=$(($total_weight_v4+$weight))
+ total_weight_v4=$(($total_weight_v4+$weight))
$IPT -I "mwan3_policy_$policy" \
-m mark --mark 0x0/$MMX_MASK \
-m statistic \
[ -z "$ipset" ] && unset ipset
[ -z "$src_port" ] && unset src_port
[ -z "$dest_port" ] && unset dest_port
- [ "$proto" != 'tcp' ] && [ "$proto" != 'udp' ] && {
+ [ "$proto" != 'tcp' ] && [ "$proto" != 'udp' ] && {
[ -n "$src_port" ] && {
$LOG warn "src_port set to '$src_port' but proto set to '$proto' not tcp or udp. src_port will be ignored"
. /lib/functions.sh
+. /lib/functions/network.sh
. /lib/mwan3/mwan3.sh
-LOG="logger -t $(basename "$0")[$$] -p"
-clean_up() {
- $LOG notice "Stopping mwan3rtmon..."
- exit 0
+ config_load mwan3
+ local section action route_line family tbl device metric tos dst line
+ local route_device tid
+ route_line=${1##"Deleted "}
+ route_family=$2
+ if [ "$route_family" = "ipv4" ]; then
+ IP="$IP4"
+ elif [ "$route_family" = "ipv6" ] && [ $NO_IPV6 -eq 0 ]; then
+ IP="$IP6"
+ else
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ "$route_line" == "$1" ]; then
+ action="add"
+ else
+ action="del"
+ fi
+ # never add default route lines, since this is handled elsewhere
+ [ -z "${route_line##default*}" ] && return
+ [ -z "${route_line##::/0*}" ] && return
+ route_line=${route_line%% linkdown*}
+ route_line=${route_line%% unreachable*}
+ mwan3_update_dev_to_table
+ mwan3_route_line_dev "tid" "$route_line" "$route_family"
+ handle_route() {
+ tbl=$($IP route list table $tid)
+ if [ $action = "add" ]; then
+ echo "$tbl" | grep -q "^default\|^::/0" || return
+ else
+ [ -z "$tbl" ] && return
+ fi
+ # check that action needs to be performed. May not need to take action if:
+ # Got a route update on ipv6 where route is already in the table
+ # Got a delete event, but table was already flushed
-rtchange() {
- $LOG info "Detect rtchange event."
+ [ $action = "add" ] && [ -z "${tbl##*$route_line*}" ] && return
+ [ $action = "del" ] && [ -n "${tbl##*$route_line*}" ] && return
+ network_get_device device "$section"
+ LOG debug "adjusting route $device: $IP route "$action" table $tid $route_line"
+ $IP route "$action" table $tid $route_line ||
+ LOG warn "failed: $IP route $action table $tid $route_line"
+ }
+ handle_route_cb(){
+ let tid++
+ config_get family "$section" family ipv4
+ [ "$family" != "$route_family" ] && return
+ handle_route
+ }
+ if [ $action = "add" ]; then
+ ## handle old routes from 'change' or 'replace'
+ metric=${route_line##*metric }
+ [ "$metric" = "$route_line" ] && unset metric || metric=${metric%% *}
+ tos=${route_line##*tos }
+ [ "$tos" = "$route_line" ] && unset tos || tos=${tos%% *}
+ dst=${route_line%% *}
+ grep_line="$dst ${tos:+tos $tos}.*table [0-9].*${metric:+metric $metric}"
+ $IP route list table all | grep "$grep_line" | while read line; do
+ tbl=${line##*table }
+ tbl=${tbl%% *}
+ [ $tbl -gt $MWAN3_INTERFACE_MAX ] && continue
+ LOG debug "removing route on ip route change/replace: $line"
+ $IP route del $line
+ done
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$tid" ]; then
+ handle_route
+ else
+ config_foreach handle_route_cb interface
+ fi
-main() {
- local rtmon_interval
- trap clean_up TERM
- trap rtchange USR1
+ local IP family
config_load mwan3
- config_get rtmon_interval globals rtmon_interval '5'
+ family=$1
+ [ -z $family ] && family=ipv4
+ if [ "$family" = ipv6 ]; then
+ IP="$IP6"
+ else
+ IP="$IP4"
+ fi
+ mwan3_init
- sleep 3
- while true; do
+ $IP monitor route | while read line; do
+ [ -z "${line##*table*}" ] && continue
+ LOG debug "handling route update $family $line"
mwan3_lock "service" "mwan3rtmon"
- mwan3_rtmon_ipv4 || mwan3_rtmon_ipv6
- ret=$?
+ mwan3_rtmon_route_handle "$line" "$family"
mwan3_unlock "service" "mwan3rtmon"
- [ "$ret" = "0" ] || break
- [ "$rtmon_interval" = "0" ] && break
- sleep "$rtmon_interval" &
- wait
main "$@"