Add a dummy prefix in case a name in the upstream JSON files is a
C reserved keyword.
This is the case with the "Register" element of the new "Configure
Profile Event List" message.
Signed-off-by: Jean Thomas <>
our %common_ref = ();
+my @c_reserved_keywords = (
+ "alignas",
+ "alignof",
+ "auto",
+ "bool",
+ "break",
+ "case",
+ "char",
+ "const",
+ "constexpr",
+ "continue",
+ "default",
+ "do",
+ "double",
+ "else",
+ "enum",
+ "extern",
+ "false",
+ "float",
+ "for",
+ "goto",
+ "if",
+ "inline",
+ "int",
+ "long",
+ "nullptr",
+ "register",
+ "restrict",
+ "return",
+ "short",
+ "signed",
+ "sizeof",
+ "static",
+ "static_assert",
+ "struct",
+ "switch",
+ "thread_local",
+ "true",
+ "typedef",
+ "typeof",
+ "typeof_unqual",
+ "union",
+ "unsigned",
+ "void",
+ "volatile",
+ "while"
$prefix eq 'ctl_' and $ctl = 1;
sub get_json() {
$name =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g;
$name = "_${name}" if $name =~ /^\d/;
- return lc($name);
+ $name = lc($name);
+ $name = "_${name}" if (grep {$_ eq $name} @c_reserved_keywords);
+ return $name;
sub gen_has_types($) {