#define DRX39XX_MAIN_FIRMWARE "dvb-fe-drxj-mc-1.0.8.fw"
* \brief Maximum u32 value.
#ifndef MAX_U32
-/**** START DJCOMBO patches to DRXJ registermap constants *********************/
-/**** registermap 200706071303 from drxj **************************************/
+/*** START DJCOMBO patches to DRXJ registermap constants *********************/
+/*** registermap 200706071303 from drxj **************************************/
#define ATV_TOP_CR_AMP_TH_FM 0x0
#define ATV_TOP_CR_AMP_TH_L 0xA
#define ATV_TOP_CR_AMP_TH_LP 0xA
#define IQM_RC_ADJ_SEL_B_OFF 0x0
#define IQM_RC_ADJ_SEL_B_QAM 0x1
#define IQM_RC_ADJ_SEL_B_VSB 0x2
-/**** END DJCOMBO patches to DRXJ registermap *********************************/
+/*** END DJCOMBO patches to DRXJ registermap *********************************/
#include "drx_driver_version.h"
#define DRXJ_WAKE_UP_KEY (demod->my_i2c_dev_addr->i2c_addr)
* \brief Default I2C address of a demodulator instance.
#define DRXJ_DEF_I2C_ADDR (0x52)
* \brief Default device identifier of a demodultor instance.
* \brief Timeout value for waiting on demod lock during channel scan (millisec).
#define DRXJ_SCAN_TIMEOUT 1000
* \def HI_I2C_DELAY
* \brief HI timing delay for I2C timing (in nano seconds)
#define HI_I2C_DELAY 42
* \brief HI timing delay for I2C timing (in nano seconds)
#define HI_I2C_BRIDGE_DELAY 750
* \brief Time Window for MER and SER Measurement in Units of Segment duration.
* \brief bit rate and segment rate constants used for SER and BER.
/* values taken from the QAM microcode */
#define DRXJ_QAM_SL_SIG_POWER_QAM64 43008
#define DRXJ_QAM_SL_SIG_POWER_QAM128 20992
#define DRXJ_QAM_SL_SIG_POWER_QAM256 43520
* \brief Min supported symbolrates.
#define DRXJ_QAM_SYMBOLRATE_MIN (520000)
* \brief Max supported symbolrates.
#define DRXJ_QAM_SYMBOLRATE_MAX (7233000)
* \brief Maximal wait time for QAM auto constellation in ms
* \def SCU status and results
* \brief SCU
#define FEC_RS_MEASUREMENT_PERIOD 12894 /* 1 sec */
#define FEC_RS_MEASUREMENT_PRESCALE 1 /* n sec */
* \brief Needed for calculation of prescale feature in AUD
#define DRXJ_AUD_MAX_FM_DEVIATION 100 /* kHz */
* \brief Needed for calculation of NICAM prescale feature in AUD
#define DRXJ_AUD_MAX_NICAM_PRESCALE (9) /* dB */
* \brief Needed for calculation of NICAM prescale feature in AUD
/*=== GLOBAL VARIABLEs =======================================================*/
* \brief Temporary register definitions.
* (register definitions that are not yet available in register master)
/* Audio block 0x103 is write only. To avoid shadowing in driver accessing */
/* RAM adresses directly. This must be READ ONLY to avoid problems. */
/* Writing to the interface adresses is more than only writing the RAM */
/* locations */
* \brief RAM location of MODUS registers
#define AUD_DEM_RAM_MODUS_HI__A 0x10204A3
#define AUD_DEM_RAM_MODUS_LO__A 0x10204A4
* \brief RAM location of I2S config registers
#define AUD_DEM_RAM_I2S_CONFIG1__A 0x10204B1
#define AUD_DEM_RAM_I2S_CONFIG2__A 0x10204B2
* \brief RAM location of DCO config registers
#define AUD_DEM_RAM_DCO_B_HI__A 0x1020461
#define AUD_DEM_RAM_DCO_A_HI__A 0x1020463
#define AUD_DEM_RAM_DCO_A_LO__A 0x1020464
* \brief RAM location of Threshold registers
#define AUD_DEM_RAM_NICAM_THRSHLD__A 0x102045A
#define AUD_DEM_RAM_A2_THRSHLD__A 0x10204BB
#define AUD_DEM_RAM_BTSC_THRSHLD__A 0x10204A6
* \brief RAM location of Carrier Threshold registers
#define AUD_DEM_RAM_CM_A_THRSHLD__A 0x10204AF
#define AUD_DEM_RAM_CM_B_THRSHLD__A 0x10204B0
* \brief FM Matrix register fix
#define AUD_DEM_WR_FM_MATRIX__A 0x105006F
* \brief Defines required for audio
#define AUD_VOLUME_ZERO_DB 115
* \brief Needed for calculation of prescale feature in AUD
#define DRX_AUD_MAX_FM_DEVIATION (100) /* kHz */
* \brief Needed for calculation of NICAM prescale feature in AUD
/*=== REGISTER ACCESS MACROS =================================================*/
* This macro is used to create byte arrays for block writes.
* Block writes speed up I2C traffic between host and demod.
* The macro takes care of the required byte order in a 16 bits word.
#define DRXJ_16TO8(x) ((u8) (((u16)x) & 0xFF)), \
* This macro is used to convert byte array to 16 bit register value for block read.
* Block read speed up I2C traffic between host and demod.
* The macro takes care of the required byte order in a 16 bits word.
/*=== HI COMMAND RELATED DEFINES =============================================*/
* \brief General maximum number of retries for ucode command interfaces
#define DRXJ_MAX_RETRIES (100)
* \var drxj_default_addr_g
* \brief Default I2C address and device identifier.
DRXJ_DEF_DEMOD_DEV_ID /* device id */
* \var drxj_default_comm_attr_g
* \brief Default common attributes of a drxj demodulator instance.
0 /* mfx */
* \var drxj_default_demod_g
* \brief Default drxj demodulator instance.
&drxj_data_g /* demod device specific attributes */
* \brief Default audio data structure for DRK demodulator instance.
* This structure is DRXK specific.
/*=== MICROCODE RELATED STRUCTURES ===========================================*/
* struct drxu_code_block_hdr - Structure of the microcode block headers
* @addr: Destination address of the data in this block
return Q1;
* \fn u32 log1_times100( u32 x)
* \brief Compute: 100*log10(x)
* \param x 32 bits
* \fn u32 frac_times1e6( u16 N, u32 D)
* \brief Compute: (N/D) * 1000000.
* \param N nominator 16-bits.
* \brief Values for NICAM prescaler gain. Computed from dB to integer
* and rounded. For calc used formula: 16*10^(prescaleGain[dB]/20).
#define DRXJ_DAP_AUDTRIF_TIMEOUT 80 /* millisec */
* \fn bool is_handled_by_aud_tr_if( u32 addr )
* \brief Check if this address is handled by the audio token ring interface.
* \param addr
* int drxdap_fasi_read_block (
* struct i2c_device_addr *dev_addr, -- address of I2C device
* int drxdap_fasi_read_reg16 (
* struct i2c_device_addr *dev_addr, -- address of I2C device
return rc;
* int drxdap_fasi_read_reg32 (
* struct i2c_device_addr *dev_addr, -- address of I2C device
return rc;
* int drxdap_fasi_write_block (
* struct i2c_device_addr *dev_addr, -- address of I2C device
return first_err;
* int drxdap_fasi_write_reg16 (
* struct i2c_device_addr *dev_addr, -- address of I2C device
return drxdap_fasi_write_block(dev_addr, addr, sizeof(data), buf, flags);
* int drxdap_fasi_read_modify_write_reg16 (
* struct i2c_device_addr *dev_addr, -- address of I2C device
return rc;
* int drxdap_fasi_write_reg32 (
* struct i2c_device_addr *dev_addr, -- address of I2C device
* \fn int drxj_dap_rm_write_reg16short
* \brief Read modify write 16 bits audio register using short format only.
* \param dev_addr
* \fn int drxj_dap_read_aud_reg16
* \brief Read 16 bits audio register
* \param dev_addr
* \fn int drxj_dap_write_aud_reg16
* \brief Write 16 bits audio register
* \param dev_addr
* \fn int drxj_dap_atomic_read_write_block()
* \brief Basic access routine for atomic read or write access
* \param dev_addr pointer to i2c dev address
* \fn int drxj_dap_atomic_read_reg32()
* \brief Atomic read of 32 bits words
* \fn int hi_cfg_command()
* \brief Configure HI with settings stored in the demod structure.
* \param demod Demodulator.
return rc;
* \fn int hi_command()
* \brief Configure HI with settings stored in the demod structure.
* \param dev_addr I2C address.
return rc;
* \fn int init_hi( const struct drx_demod_instance *demod )
* \brief Initialise and configurate HI.
* \param demod pointer to demod data.
* \fn int get_device_capabilities()
* \brief Get and store device capabilities.
* \param demod Pointer to demodulator instance.
return rc;
* \fn int power_up_device()
* \brief Power up device.
* \param demod Pointer to demodulator instance.
/* MPEG Output Configuration Functions - begin */
* \fn int ctrl_set_cfg_mpeg_output()
* \brief Set MPEG output configuration of the device.
* \param devmod Pointer to demodulator instance.
/* miscellaneous configurations - begin */
* \fn int set_mpegtei_handling()
* \brief Activate MPEG TEI handling settings.
* \param devmod Pointer to demodulator instance.
* \fn int bit_reverse_mpeg_output()
* \brief Set MPEG output bit-endian settings.
* \param devmod Pointer to demodulator instance.
* \fn int set_mpeg_start_width()
* \brief Set MPEG start width.
* \param devmod Pointer to demodulator instance.
/* UIO Configuration Functions - begin */
* \fn int ctrl_set_uio_cfg()
* \brief Configure modus oprandi UIO.
* \param demod Pointer to demodulator instance.
return rc;
* \fn int ctrl_uio_write()
* \brief Write to a UIO.
* \param demod Pointer to demodulator instance.
/* I2C Bridge Functions - begin */
* \fn int ctrl_i2c_bridge()
* \brief Open or close the I2C switch to tuner.
* \param demod Pointer to demodulator instance.
/* Smart antenna Functions - begin */
* \fn int smart_ant_init()
* \brief Initialize Smart Antenna.
* \param pointer to struct drx_demod_instance.
return rc;
* \fn int DRXJ_DAP_SCUAtomicReadWriteBlock()
* \brief Basic access routine for SCU atomic read or write access
* \param dev_addr pointer to i2c dev address
* \fn int DRXJ_DAP_AtomicReadReg16()
* \brief Atomic read of 16 bits words
* \fn int drxj_dap_scu_atomic_write_reg16()
* \brief Atomic read of 16 bits words
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* \brief Measure result of ADC synchronisation
* \param demod demod instance
* \param count (returned) count
return rc;
* \brief Synchronize analog and digital clock domains
* \param demod demod instance
* \return int.
* \fn int init_agc ()
* \brief Initialize AGC for all standards.
* \param demod instance of demodulator.
return rc;
* \fn int set_frequency ()
* \brief Set frequency shift.
* \param demod instance of demodulator.
return rc;
* \fn int get_acc_pkt_err()
* \brief Retrieve signal strength for VSB and QAM.
* \param demod Pointer to demod instance
* \fn int set_agc_rf ()
* \brief Configure RF AGC
* \param demod instance of demodulator.
return rc;
* \fn int set_agc_if ()
* \brief Configure If AGC
* \param demod instance of demodulator.
return rc;
* \fn int set_iqm_af ()
* \brief Configure IQM AF registers
* \param demod instance of demodulator.
* \fn int power_down_vsb ()
* \brief Powr down QAM related blocks.
* \param demod instance of demodulator.
return rc;
* \fn int set_vsb_leak_n_gain ()
* \brief Set ATSC demod.
* \param demod instance of demodulator.
return rc;
* \fn int set_vsb()
* \brief Set 8VSB demod.
* \param demod instance of demodulator.
return rc;
* \fn static short get_vsb_post_rs_pck_err(struct i2c_device_addr *dev_addr, u16 *PckErrs)
* \brief Get the values of packet error in 8VSB mode
* \return Error code
return rc;
* \fn static short GetVSBBer(struct i2c_device_addr *dev_addr, u32 *ber)
* \brief Get the values of ber in VSB mode
* \return Error code
return rc;
* \fn static short get_vs_bpre_viterbi_ber(struct i2c_device_addr *dev_addr, u32 *ber)
* \brief Get the values of ber in VSB mode
* \return Error code
return 0;
* \fn static int get_vsbmer(struct i2c_device_addr *dev_addr, u16 *mer)
* \brief Get the values of MER
* \return Error code
* \fn int power_down_qam ()
* \brief Powr down QAM related blocks.
* \param demod instance of demodulator.
* \fn int set_qam_measurement ()
* \brief Setup of the QAM Measuremnt intervals for signal quality
* \param demod instance of demod.
* \fn int set_qam16 ()
* \brief QAM16 specific setup
* \param demod instance of demod.
* \fn int set_qam32 ()
* \brief QAM32 specific setup
* \param demod instance of demod.
* \fn int set_qam64 ()
* \brief QAM64 specific setup
* \param demod instance of demod.
* \fn int set_qam128 ()
* \brief QAM128 specific setup
* \param demod: instance of demod.
* \fn int set_qam256 ()
* \brief QAM256 specific setup
* \param demod: instance of demod.
* \fn int set_qam ()
* \brief Set QAM demod.
* \param demod: instance of demod.
#define DEMOD_LOCKED 0x1
#define SYNC_FLIPPED 0x2
#define SPEC_MIRRORED 0x4
* \fn int qam64auto ()
* \brief auto do sync pattern switching and mirroring.
* \param demod: instance of demod.
return rc;
* \fn int qam256auto ()
* \brief auto do sync pattern switching and mirroring.
* \param demod: instance of demod.
return rc;
* \fn int set_qam_channel ()
* \brief Set QAM channel according to the requested constellation.
* \param demod: instance of demod.
* \fn static short get_qamrs_err_count(struct i2c_device_addr *dev_addr)
* \brief Get RS error count in QAM mode (used for post RS BER calculation)
* \return Error code
* \fn int get_sig_strength()
* \brief Retrieve signal strength for VSB and QAM.
* \param demod Pointer to demod instance
return rc;
* \fn int ctrl_get_qam_sig_quality()
* \brief Retrieve QAM signal quality from device.
* \param devmod Pointer to demodulator instance.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* \fn int power_down_atv ()
* \brief Power down ATV.
* \param demod instance of demodulator
* \brief Power up AUD.
* \param demod instance of demodulator
* \return int.
return rc;
* \fn int set_orx_nsu_aox()
* \brief Configure OrxNsuAox for OOB
* \param demod instance of demodulator.
return rc;
* \fn int ctrl_set_oob()
* \brief Set OOB channel to be used.
* \param demod instance of demodulator
- /*********/
+ /********/
/* Stop */
- /*********/
+ /********/
rc = drxj_dap_write_reg16(dev_addr, ORX_COMM_EXEC__A, ORX_COMM_EXEC_STOP, 0);
if (rc != 0) {
pr_err("error %d\n", rc);
pr_err("error %d\n", rc);
goto rw_error;
- /*********/
+ /********/
/* Reset */
- /*********/
+ /********/
scu_cmd.parameter_len = 0;
pr_err("error %d\n", rc);
goto rw_error;
- /***********/
+ /**********/
/* SET_ENV */
- /***********/
+ /**********/
/* set frequency, spectrum inversion and data rate */
pr_err("error %d\n", rc);
goto rw_error;
- /*********/
+ /********/
/* Start */
- /*********/
+ /********/
scu_cmd.parameter_len = 0;
===== ctrl_set_channel() ==========================================================
* \fn int ctrl_set_channel()
* \brief Select a new transmission channel.
* \param demod instance of demod.
===== SigQuality() ==========================================================
* \fn int ctrl_sig_quality()
* \brief Retrieve signal quality form device.
* \param devmod Pointer to demodulator instance.
* \fn int ctrl_lock_status()
* \brief Retrieve lock status .
* \param dev_addr Pointer to demodulator device address.
* \fn int ctrl_set_standard()
* \brief Set modulation standard to be used.
* \param standard Modulation standard.
ext_attr->vsb_pre_saw_cfg.use_pre_saw = true;
* \fn int ctrl_power_mode()
* \brief Set the power mode of the device to the specified power mode
* \param demod Pointer to demodulator instance.
/*== CTRL Set/Get Config related functions ===================================*/
* \fn int ctrl_set_cfg_pre_saw()
* \brief Set Pre-saw reference.
* \param demod demod instance
* \fn int ctrl_set_cfg_afe_gain()
* \brief Set AFE Gain.
* \param demod demod instance
enum drxu_code_action action);
static int drxj_set_lna_state(struct drx_demod_instance *demod, bool state);
* \fn drxj_open()
* \brief Open the demod instance, configure device, configure drxdriver
* \return Status_t Return status.
* \fn drxj_close()
* \brief Close the demod instance, power down the device
* \return Status_t Return status.
* Microcode related functions
* drx_u_code_compute_crc - Compute CRC of block of microcode data.
* @block_data: Pointer to microcode data.
* @nr_words: Size of microcode block (number of 16 bits words).
return (u16)(crc_word >> 16);
* drx_check_firmware - checks if the loaded firmware is valid
* @demod: demod structure
return -EINVAL;
* drx_ctrl_u_code - Handle microcode upload or verify.
* @dev_addr: Address of device.
* @mc_info: Pointer to information about microcode data.