require "nixio.util"
local nixio = require "nixio"
-local httpclient = require "luci.httpclient"
+local httpc = require "luci.httpclient"
local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12"
-local print = print
+local print, tonumber, require = print, tonumber, require
module "luci.httpclient.receiver"
return file
+local function splice_async(sock, pipeout, pipein, file, cb)
+ local ssize = 65536
+ local smode = nixio.splice_flags("move", "more", "nonblock")
+ -- Set pipe non-blocking otherwise we might end in a deadlock
+ local stat, code, msg = pipein:setblocking(false)
+ if stat then
+ stat, code, msg = pipeout:setblocking(false)
+ end
+ if not stat then
+ return stat, code, msg
+ end
+ local pollsock = {
+ {fd=sock, events=nixio.poll_flags("in")}
+ }
+ local pollfile = {
+ {fd=file, events=nixio.poll_flags("out")}
+ }
+ local done
+ local active -- Older splice implementations sometimes don't detect EOS
+ repeat
+ active = false
+ -- Socket -> Pipe
+ repeat
+ nixio.poll(pollsock, 15000)
+ stat, code, msg = nixio.splice(sock, pipeout, ssize, smode)
+ if stat == nil then
+ return stat, code, msg
+ elseif stat == 0 then
+ done = true
+ break
+ elseif stat then
+ active = true
+ end
+ until stat == false
+ -- Pipe -> File
+ repeat
+ nixio.poll(pollfile, 15000)
+ stat, code, msg = nixio.splice(pipein, file, ssize, smode)
+ if stat == nil then
+ return stat, code, msg
+ elseif stat then
+ active = true
+ end
+ until stat == false
+ if cb then
+ cb(file)
+ end
+ if not active then
+ -- We did not splice any data, maybe EOS, fallback to default
+ return false
+ end
+ until done
+ pipein:close()
+ pipeout:close()
+ sock:close()
+ file:close()
+ return true
+local function splice_sync(sock, pipeout, pipein, file, cb)
+ local os = require "os"
+ local posix = require "posix"
+ local ssize = 65536
+ local smode = nixio.splice_flags("move", "more")
+ local stat
+ -- This is probably the only forking http-client ;-)
+ local pid, code, msg = posix.fork()
+ if not pid then
+ return pid, code, msg
+ elseif pid == 0 then
+ pipein:close()
+ file:close()
+ repeat
+ stat, code = nixio.splice(sock, pipeout, ssize, smode)
+ until not stat or stat == 0
+ pipeout:close()
+ sock:close()
+ os.exit(stat or code)
+ else
+ pipeout:close()
+ sock:close()
+ repeat
+ stat, code, msg = nixio.splice(pipein, file, ssize, smode)
+ if cb then
+ cb(file)
+ end
+ until not stat or stat == 0
+ pipein:close()
+ file:close()
+ if not stat then
+ posix.kill(pid)
+ posix.wait(pid)
+ return stat, code, msg
+ else
+ pid, msg, code = posix.wait(pid)
+ if msg == "exited" then
+ if code == 0 then
+ return true
+ else
+ return nil, code, nixio.strerror(code)
+ end
+ else
+ return nil, -0x11, "broken pump"
+ end
+ end
+ end
function request_to_file(uri, target, options, cbs)
options = options or {}
hdr.Range = hdr.Range or ("bytes=" .. off .. "-")
- local code, resp, buffer, sock = httpclient.request_raw(uri, options)
+ local code, resp, buffer, sock = httpc.request_raw(uri, options)
if not code then
-- No success
local chunked = resp.headers["Transfer-Encoding"] == "chunked"
+ local stat
-- Write the buffer to file
- print ("Buffered data: " .. #buffer .. " Byte")
- if not sock:is_socket() or chunked then
+ if not options.splice or not sock:is_socket() or chunked then
- -- Disable blocking for the pipe otherwise we might end in a deadlock
- local stat, code, msg = pipein:setblocking(false)
- if stat then
- stat, code, msg = pipeout:setblocking(false)
- end
- if not stat then
- sock:close()
- file:close()
- return stat, code, msg
- end
-- Adjust splice values
local ssize = 65536
- local smode = nixio.splice_flags("move", "more", "nonblock")
+ local smode = nixio.splice_flags("move", "more")
- local stat, code, msg = nixio.splice(sock, pipeout, ssize, smode)
+ -- Splicing 512 bytes should never block on a fresh pipe
+ local stat, code, msg = nixio.splice(sock, pipeout, 512, smode)
if stat == nil then
- local pollsock = {
- {fd=sock, events=nixio.poll_flags("in")}
- }
- local pollfile = {
- {fd=file, events=nixio.poll_flags("out")}
- }
- local done
- repeat
- -- Socket -> Pipe
- repeat
- nixio.poll(pollsock, 15000)
- stat, code, msg = nixio.splice(sock, pipeout, ssize, smode)
- if stat == nil then
- sock:close()
- file:close()
- return stat, code, msg
- elseif stat == 0 then
- done = true
- break
- end
- until stat == false
- -- Pipe -> File
- repeat
- nixio.poll(pollfile, 15000)
- stat, code, msg = nixio.splice(pipein, file, ssize, smode)
- if stat == nil then
- sock:close()
- file:close()
- return stat, code, msg
- end
- until stat == false
- if cbs.on_write then
- cbs.on_write(file)
- end
- until done
+ -- Now do the real splicing
+ local cb = cbs.on_write
+ if options.splice == "asynchronous" then
+ stat, code, msg = splice_async(sock, pipeout, pipein, file, cb)
+ elseif options.splice == "synchronous" then
+ stat, code, msg = splice_sync(sock, pipeout, pipein, file, cb)
+ else
+ break
+ end
- file:close()
- sock:close()
- return true
+ if stat == false then
+ break
+ end
+ return stat, code, msg
until true
- print "Warning: splice() failed, falling back to read/write mode"
- local src = chunked and httpclient.chunksource(sock) or sock:blocksource()
+ local src = chunked and httpc.chunksource(sock) or sock:blocksource()
local snk = file:sink()
if cbs.on_write then
-- Fallback to read/write
- local stat, code, msg = ltn12.pump.all(src, snk)
- if stat then
- file:close()
- sock:close()
- end
- return stat, code, msg
\ No newline at end of file
+ stat, code, msg = ltn12.pump.all(src, snk)
+ file:close()
+ sock:close()
+ return stat and true, code, msg
#include "nixio.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/sendfile.h>
/* guess what sucks... */
#ifdef __UCLIBC__
#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
ssize_t splice(int __fdin, __off64_t *__offin, int __fdout,
__off64_t *__offout, size_t __len, unsigned int __flags) {
int fd_out = nixio__checkfd(L, 2);
size_t len = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
int flags = luaL_optinteger(L, 4, 0);
+ long spliced;
- long spliced = splice(fd_in, NULL, fd_out, NULL, len, flags);
+ do {
+ spliced = splice(fd_in, NULL, fd_out, NULL, len, flags);
+ } while (spliced == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (spliced < 0) {
return nixio__perror(L);
return 1;
+static int nixio_splice_avail(lua_State *L) {
+ splice(-1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, errno != ENOSYS);
+ return 1;
* sendfile(outfd, infd, length)
static const luaL_reg R[] = {
{"splice", nixio_splice},
{"splice_flags", nixio_splice_flags},
+ {"splice_avail", nixio_splice_avail},
{"sendfile", nixio_sendfile},