page = entry({"admin", "services", "minidlna"}, cbi("minidlna"), _("miniDLNA"))
page.i18n = "minidlna"
page.dependent = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "minidlna_status"}, call("minidlna_status"))
+function minidlna_status()
+ local sys = require "luci.sys"
+ local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor()
+ local port = tonumber(uci:get_first("minidlna", "minidlna", "port"))
+ local status = {
+ running = ("pidof minidlna >/dev/null") == 0),
+ audio = 0,
+ video = 0,
+ image = 0
+ }
+ if status.running then
+ local fd = sys.httpget("" % (port or 8200), true)
+ if fd then
+ local ln
+ repeat
+ ln = fd:read("*l")
+ if ln and ln:match("files:") then
+ local ftype, fcount = ln:match("(.+) files: (%d+)")
+ status[ftype:lower()] = tonumber(fcount) or 0
+ end
+ until not ln
+ fd:close()
+ end
+ end
+ luci.http.prepare_content("application/json")
+ luci.http.write_json(status)
--- /dev/null
+<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
+ XHR.poll(5, '<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/services/minidlna_status")%>', null,
+ function(x, st)
+ {
+ var tb = document.getElementById('minidlna_status');
+ if (st && tb)
+ {
+ if (st.running)
+ {
+ tb.innerHTML = String.format(
+ '<%:%The miniDLNA service is active, serving %d audio, %d video and %d image files.%>',
+,, st.image
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tb.innerHTML = '<%:The miniDLNA service is not running.%>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+<fieldset class="cbi-section">
+ <legend><%:miniDLNA Status%></legend>
+ <p id="minidlna_status">
+ <em><%:Collecting data...%></em>
+ </p>