network = _("Network"),
nut = _("UPS"),
olsrd = _("OLSRd"),
+ openvpn = _("OpenVPN"),
ping = _("Ping"),
processes = _("Processes"),
rrdtool = _("RRDTool"),
local collectd_menu = {
output = { "csv", "network", "rrdtool", "unixsock" },
general = { "cpu", "df", "disk", "email", "entropy", "exec", "irq", "load", "memory", "nut", "processes", "sensors", "uptime" },
- network = { "conntrack", "dns", "interface", "iptables", "netlink", "olsrd", "ping", "splash_leases", "tcpconns", "iwinfo" }
+ network = { "conntrack", "dns", "interface", "iptables", "netlink", "olsrd", "openvpn", "ping", "splash_leases", "tcpconns", "iwinfo" }
-- create toplevel menu nodes
--- /dev/null
+-- Copyright 2015 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+require "luci.sys"
+local m, s, o
+m = Map("luci_statistics",
+ translate("OpenVPN Plugin Configuration"),
+ translate("The OpenVPN plugin gathers information about the current vpn connection status."))
+s = m:section( NamedSection, "collectd_openvpn", "luci_statistics" )
+o = s:option( Flag, "enable", translate("Enable this plugin") )
+o.default = "0"
+o = s:option(Flag, "CollectIndividualUsers", translate("Generate a separate graph for each logged user"))
+o.default = "0"
+o.rmempty = true
+o:depends("enable", 1)
+o = s:option(Flag, "CollectUserCount", translate("Aggregate number of connected users"))
+o.default = "0"
+o.rmempty = true
+o:depends("enable", 1)
+o = s:option(Flag, "CollectCompression", translate("Gather compression statistics"))
+o.default = "0"
+o.rmempty = true
+o:depends("enable", 1)
+o = s:option(Flag, "ImprovedNamingSchema", translate("Use improved naming schema"))
+o.default = "0"
+o.rmempty = true
+o:depends("enable", 1)
+o = s:option(DynamicList, "StatusFile", translate("OpenVPN status files"))
+o.rmempty = true
+o:depends("enable", 1)
+local status_files = nixio.fs.glob("/var/run/openvpn.*.status")
+if status_files then
+ local status_file
+ for status_file in status_files do
+ o:value(status_file)
+ end
+return m
--- /dev/null
+-- Copyright 2015 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+module("luci.statistics.rrdtool.definitions.openvpn", package.seeall)
+function rrdargs( graph, plugin, plugin_instance )
+ local inst = plugin_instance:gsub("^openvpn%.(.+)%.status$", "%1")
+ return {
+ {
+ title = "%%H: OpenVPN \"%s\" - Traffic" % inst,
+ vlabel = "Bytes/s",
+ data = {
+ instances = {
+ if_octets = { "traffic", "overhead" }
+ },
+ sources = {
+ if_octets = { "tx", "rx" }
+ },
+ options = {
+ if_octets_traffic_tx = { title = "Bytes (TX)", total = true, color = "00ff00" },
+ if_octets_overhead_tx = { title = "Overhead (TX)", total = true, color = "ff9900" },
+ if_octets_traffic_rx = { title = "Bytes (RX)", total = true, flip = true, color = "0000ff" },
+ if_octets_overhead_rx = { title = "Overhead (RX)", total = true, flip = true, color = "ff00ff" }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title = "%%H: OpenVPN \"%s\" - Compression" % inst,
+ vlabel = "Bytes/s",
+ data = {
+ instances = {
+ compression = { "data_out", "data_in" }
+ },
+ sources = {
+ compression = { "uncompressed", "compressed" }
+ },
+ options = {
+ compression_data_out_compressed = { title = "Compressed (TX)", total = true, color = "008800" },
+ compression_data_out_uncompressed = { title = "Uncompressed (TX)", total = true, color = "00ff00" },
+ compression_data_in_compressed = { title = "Compressed (RX)", total = true, flip = true, color = "000088" },
+ compression_data_in_uncompressed = { title = "Uncompressed (RX)", total = true, flip = true, color = "0000ff" }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
if n:find("(%w+)ses") then
- k = n:gsub("(%w+)ses", "%1s")
+ k = n:gsub("(%w+)ses$", "%1s")
- k = n:gsub("(%w+)s", "%1")
+ k = n:gsub("(%w+)s$", "%1")
str = str .. _expand( c[n], k, nopad )
{ }
+ openvpn = {
+ { },
+ { "CollectIndividualUsers", "CollectUserCount", "CollectCompression", "ImprovedNamingSchema" },
+ { "StatusFile" }
+ },
ping = {
{ "TTL", "Interval" },
{ },