+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenWrt.org
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-# changes by David Kuehling <dvdkhlng TA gmx TOD de>:
-# - include support for all emulation modes jmacs jpico etc.
-# - see patches/002-builtinrc.patch
-include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
-define Package/joe
- SECTION:=utils
- CATEGORY:=Utilities
- DEPENDS:=+libncurses
- TITLE:=JOE - Joes own editor
- URL:=http://sourceforge.net/projects/joe-editor/
- SUBMENU:=Editors
-define Package/joe/description
-Joe is world-famous Wordstar like text editor, that also features
-Emacs and Pico emulation
-define Package/joe/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/joe $(1)/usr/bin/
- for i in jmacs jstar rjoe jpico; do \
- ln -sf joe $(1)/usr/bin/$$$$i; \
- done
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,joe))
+++ /dev/null
---- a/umath.c
-+++ b/umath.c
-@@ -378,7 +378,6 @@ double m_cos(double n) { return cos(n);
- double m_tan(double n) { return tan(n); }
- double m_exp(double n) { return exp(n); }
- double m_sqrt(double n) { return sqrt(n); }
--double m_cbrt(double n) { return cbrt(n); }
- double m_log(double n) { return log(n); }
- double m_log10(double n) { return log10(n); }
- double m_asin(double n) { return asin(n); }
-@@ -387,19 +386,10 @@ double m_atan(double n) { return atan(n)
- double m_sinh(double n) { return sinh(n); }
- double m_cosh(double n) { return cosh(n); }
- double m_tanh(double n) { return tanh(n); }
--double m_asinh(double n) { return asinh(n); }
--double m_acosh(double n) { return acosh(n); }
--double m_atanh(double n) { return atanh(n); }
- double m_int(double n) { return (int)(n); }
- double m_floor(double n) { return floor(n); }
- double m_ceil(double n) { return ceil(n); }
- double m_fabs(double n) { return fabs(n); }
--double m_erf(double n) { return erf(n); }
--double m_erfc(double n) { return erfc(n); }
--double m_j0(double n) { return j0(n); }
--double m_j1(double n) { return j1(n); }
--double m_y0(double n) { return y0(n); }
--double m_y1(double n) { return y1(n); }
- double calc(BW *bw, unsigned char *s)
- {
-@@ -414,7 +404,6 @@ double calc(BW *bw, unsigned char *s)
- v = get(USTR "tan"); v->func = m_tan;
- v = get(USTR "exp"); v->func = m_exp;
- v = get(USTR "sqrt"); v->func = m_sqrt;
-- v = get(USTR "cbrt"); v->func = m_cbrt;
- v = get(USTR "ln"); v->func = m_log;
- v = get(USTR "log"); v->func = m_log10;
- v = get(USTR "asin"); v->func = m_asin;
-@@ -425,19 +414,10 @@ double calc(BW *bw, unsigned char *s)
- v = get(USTR "sinh"); v->func = m_sinh;
- v = get(USTR "cosh"); v->func = m_cosh;
- v = get(USTR "tanh"); v->func = m_tanh;
-- v = get(USTR "asinh"); v->func = m_asinh;
-- v = get(USTR "acosh"); v->func = m_acosh;
-- v = get(USTR "atanh"); v->func = m_atanh;
- v = get(USTR "int"); v->func = m_int;
- v = get(USTR "floor"); v->func = m_floor;
- v = get(USTR "ceil"); v->func = m_ceil;
- v = get(USTR "abs"); v->func = m_fabs;
-- v = get(USTR "erf"); v->func = m_erf;
-- v = get(USTR "erfc"); v->func = m_erfc;
-- v = get(USTR "j0"); v->func = m_j0;
-- v = get(USTR "j1"); v->func = m_j1;
-- v = get(USTR "y0"); v->func = m_y0;
-- v = get(USTR "y1"); v->func = m_y1;
- }
- v = get(USTR "top");