[ -n "$mac_dirty" ] && macaddr_canonicalize "$mac_dirty"
+mtd_get_mac_encrypted_arcadyan() {
+ local iv="00000000000000000000000000000000"
+ local key="2A4B303D7644395C3B2B7053553C5200"
+ local mac_dirty
+ local mtdname="$1"
+ local part
+ local size
+ part=$(find_mtd_part "$mtdname")
+ if [ -z "$part" ]; then
+ echo "mtd_get_mac_encrypted_arcadyan: partition $mtdname not found!" >&2
+ return
+ fi
+ # Config decryption and getting mac. Trying uencrypt and openssl utils.
+ size=$((0x$(dd if=$part skip=9 bs=1 count=4 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -e '1/4 "%08x"')))
+ if [[ -f "/usr/bin/uencrypt" ]]; then
+ mac_dirty=$(dd if=$part bs=1 count=$size skip=$((0x100)) 2>/dev/null | \
+ uencrypt -d -n -k $key -i $iv | grep mac | cut -c 5-)
+ elif [[ -f "/usr/bin/openssl" ]]; then
+ mac_dirty=$(dd if=$part bs=1 count=$size skip=$((0x100)) 2>/dev/null | \
+ openssl aes-128-cbc -d -nopad -K $key -iv $iv | grep mac | cut -c 5-)
+ else
+ echo "mtd_get_mac_encrypted_arcadyan: Neither uencrypt nor openssl was found!" >&2
+ return
+ fi
+ # "canonicalize" mac
+ [ -n "$mac_dirty" ] && macaddr_canonicalize "$mac_dirty"
mtd_get_mac_text() {
local mtdname=$1
local offset=$(($2))