o.default = o.enabled;
o.editable = true;
- //ft.opt_enabled(s, Button);
- //ft.opt_name(s, Value, _('Name'));
+ o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'direction', _('Match device'));
+ o.modalonly = true;
+ o.value('', _('unspecified'));
+ o.value('in', _('Inbound device'));
+ o.value('out', _('Outbound device'));
+ o.cfgvalue = function(section_id) {
+ var val = uci.get('firewall', section_id, 'direction');
+ switch (val) {
+ case 'in':
+ case 'ingress':
+ return 'in';
+ case 'out':
+ case 'egress':
+ return 'out';
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ o = s.taboption('advanced', widgets.DeviceSelect, 'device', _('Device name'),
+ _('Specifies whether to tie this traffic rule to a specific inbound or outbound network device.'));
+ o.modalonly = true;
+ o.noaliases = true;
+ o.rmempty = false;
+ o.depends('direction', 'in');
+ o.depends('direction', 'out');
o = s.taboption('advanced', form.ListValue, 'family', _('Restrict to address family'));
o.modalonly = true;